The Zodiak and the Salts of Salvation
These cell salts are found in natural foods and they are vital to man's mental, physical, and spiritual development. They are also the key to our powerful regenerative abilities and more.
“The human body is the epitome of the cosmos. Each sign of the Zodiak represented by the twelve functions of the body and the position of the sun at birth. Therefore, the cell-salt corresponding with the Sign of the Zodiak and the function of the body is consumed more rapidly than other salts and needs extra amount to supply the deficiency caused by the Sun’s influence at that particular time.”
~ George Washington Carey, Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to The Zodiac
FYI: Mineral Salts = Cell Salts
UPDATE 9/04/2024 *Note from Editor: I have been administering Ollois Ollopets All Natural Dental Care drops in my 2 elderly dogs mouths for a few weeks now and it has been very effective and made a significant different in their oral health. So I am on Ollois’s mailing list now and today they sent out a product email which included this incredible Cell Salts Kit, sold out now but back in stock soon:
After reading George W. Carey’s book The Anti-Christ, which I wrote about in another article titled The True Zodiak: The Word Made Flesh Explained, I was quite impressed by the depth of his knowledge and the powerful way in which he expressed it. So I went ahead and ordered a couple more of his books, and the one this article is about is quoted above. I’ll start with a brief discussion on astrology and chemistry to give some context and then will be sharing a bit about the cell salts of each Zodiak sign from Aries to Pisces.
You will also find that the information contained in this article supports the Terrain Theory over virology - this was discussed in another recent article titled How Nocebo Effects Fuel False Pandemics. It’s clear that Carey does not give any credence to virology as being disease causing. His knowledge is uncommon in the field of “healthcare” today and it is needed more than ever.
Unbeknownst to most, there is a cell salt for each one of 12 constellations that the sun passes through in the Zodiac and learning about which one is most important for your particular birthdate since it is corelated to happening in the heavens and our own bodies, can help enormously with overcoming physical and mental maladies. This has nothing to do with reading horoscopes. It’s about real science and real spirituality - and understanding Natural Law as it was intended: As Above. So Below. As Within. So Without.
Is Astrology Scientific?
Though there are several superficial new-age approaches to the subject of astrology, it is an actual real science as all things in the heavens and on the earth are inter-related and the evidence for this goes far beyond the shallow personality traits or vague descriptions that are often given in weekly horoscopes. That being said, it is still unwise to bind yourself to astrological alignments. One will find far greater joy and success by attuning their will to God over the mere movements of the planets. I highly recommend Yogi Master, Paramahansa Yogananda’s writings on How to Transcend Astrology; it is so helpful. Here is a quote from it:
“The relation of the stars to the human body and mind is very subtle. There is a correlation between the six centers (chakras) in the spine, which become twelve by polarity, and the twelve signs of the zodiac. Millions of volts of electrical current are lodged in these spinal centers.
If your body and your mind are very strong, you will be impervious to the evil vibrations from the stars when they begin to shed their rays upon you.
But if your body and mind are weak through transgressions of wrong eating, wrong thinking, bad character, and bad company, then the stellar rays will have the power to affect you.
The best way, therefore, to improve your lot is deliberately to act in such a way as to counteract the evil effects of past deeds. Especially if this course of action springs from inner attunement with God, or is adopted under the wise guidance of one who knows God, it will serve as an antidote to all baneful actions of the past.
Superstition means to seek guidance from effects, in ignorance of their causes. Many people look to the heavens for signs instead of choosing the wiser path of seeking guidance in their souls, from God. Some people refuse to do anything for themselves until the planetary positions are favorable.
While it is not unwise to initiate worthwhile undertakings at astrologically auspicious times, it merely affirms your passive dependence on fate to wait for a shift in the planets’ positions before making important changes in your life. Anything you do with deep faith in God will blossom under better influences than you could hope to find by consulting the heavens for favorable aspects.
Do not wait for changes in astrological influences to change your destiny. Look, rather, to Him who made the heavens and the earth and who alone can grant you eternal freedom. The lawful effects of your karma may seem irrevocable, but the effects of past actions can be changed by seeking God. Unless you remember that, you can not spiritualize astrology.”
It’s All About Chemistry
Whether we realize it or not, we are all on a journey involving astro-biochemistry. It can either work for our benefit or to our detriment. The more we learn about these various interconnections, and how closely they’re related to our spiritual growth, the more self-realized we become. But this self-realization can only be fully experienced when one’s physical form is chemically composed as God intended, and this involves the chemicals in our blood becoming balanced and harmonic. This perfectly chemically balanced blood is called the blood of Christ and is possible for us all to attain as Jesus and countless other spiritual masters have.
Understanding these workings of astro-biochemistry can help improve our lives immensely and allow us all to be our own inner alchemists. Here’s what the great author, Carey says about this:
“As the blood is the life of the flesh, it naturally follows that, as man is a trinity (body, or flesh, soul and spirit), the quality, condition, or health of his body determines that of his soul, which corresponds in exact degree.
The word "atonement" means at-one-ment or harmony. If the blood were chemically perfect, the highly differentiated and attenuated nerve and glandular fluids, which constitute the soul, would also be perfect. It is only when the blood is chemically perfect that the full quota of Spirit, otherwise Godpower, can enter the body, for "Like attracts like."
And a quick note here to say that “like attracting like” concurs with the true-to-nature science of genius, Walter Russell. But today’s science has a misconstrued perception of how polarities work and sees them in relation to magnetism and “opposites attracting”, when polarities are actually more about electric unity (unified wave-fields) and harmonic oneness (rhythmic balanced interchange between all opposites).
It’s time for the science of today to transform to the science of the future so that we may ripen our consciousness and prepare ourselves appropriately. Furthermore, Carey goes on to state:
“Dormant, unhealthy, or imperfect brain cells do not make for an efficient brain. Thought corresponds to the nature and condition of the brain cells, for they constitute our thought machine, and the quality and value of that which it brings forth depend entirely on its condition…
Therefore : a perfect supply of the right chemical elements means perfect cells, a perfect brain, perfect thought, perfect acts, perfection; A GOD-MAN…
Carey also recognizes that the we are at the beginning of an ascending age of human advancement. This involves esoteric chemistry:
In this strenuous age of reconstruction, while God's creative compounds are forming a new race in the morning of a new age, all who desire physical regeneration should strive by every means within their reach to build new tissue, nerve fluids and brain cells, thus literally making "new bottles for the new wine." For be it known to all men that the word "wine" as used in Scripture, means blood when used in connection with man. It also means the sap of trees and juice of vegetables or fruit.”
In addition to this is that fact that many people are sufferings today unnecessarily from diseases that they could have prevented with the right knowledge. This is something that Carey understood well. He knew all about the importance of assimilating certain cell-salts. When reading the following regarding “foods”, remember that Carey lived in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s which was before foods were genetically modified, highly processed, and completely denatured.
“The cell-salts are found in all our foods, and are thus carried into the blood, where they carry on the process of life and by the law of chemical affinity keep the human form, bodily functions, materialized. When a deficiency occurs in any of these workers through a non-assimilation of food, poor action of liver or digestive process, dematerialization or the body commences. So disease is a deficiency in some of the chemical constituents that carry on the chemistry of life and not an entity. (*Note from editor: in other words, it’s about the biological terrain, not a “contagious virus!")
Having learned that disease is not a thing, but a condition due- to lack of some inorganic constituent of the blood, it follows 'naturally that the proper method of cure is to supply the blood with that which is lacking. In the treatment of dis ease the 'use- 'of anything not a constituent of the blood is unnecessary.
Find Your Cell Salt on the Book Cover and then continue reading below for quotes from the book regarding each sign…
Although we all have one particular cell salt that is most important to the functions of our particular form, all the cell salts have their roles and are needed to varying degrees. The wisdom Carey shares regarding the cell salts for each sign of the Zodiak is worth reading whether you are that sign or not and may answer questions about how the word becomes flesh that have long been misunderstood. It may also help to keep in mind the following quote from The Self Realization Fellowship as you read this or any other teachings on astrology:
Each of the twelve astrological (zodiacal) signs has a good side and a bad side. The qualities of each sign can be used or misused. Each sign has distinctive virtues and faults. However, it is not an astrological sign that determines one’s character, it is one’s stage of spiritual advancement. A good man will make the best of whatever sign he happens to be born under. A man who is low in spiritual evolution will make the worst of even an auspicious zodiacal endowment.
Every man has been or will be born many times under each of the astrological signs, so one should feel impersonal about the matter. As one becomes more universal in outlook the less his particular zodiacal sun-sign affects, restricts, and defines him.
God made the heavens and the earth and God made the soul of man. The soul is not subject to any limitation or condition of the phenomenal worlds. The wise man strives for knowledge not primarily of creation but of the Creator.
Many students of astrology tend to become fanatical about it and to miss the point of the spiritual path — the search for God alone. If we strive to do His will we shall be in tune with the Infinite. That goal is far better and more spiritually rewarding than to seek to analyze ourselves and others astrologically.
“The optic thalamus, meaning "light of the chamber," is the inner or third eye, situated in the center of the head. It connects the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The optic nerve starts from this "eye single."
"If thine eye be single, thy whole body will be full of light."
The optic thalamus is the Aries planet and when fully developed through physical regeneration (see God-Man; The Word Made Flesh), it lifts the initiate from the kingdom of earth, animal desire below the solar plexus, to the pineal gland that connects the cerebellum, the temple of the Spiritual Ego, with the optic thalamus, the third eye.
By this regenerative process millions of dormant cells of the brain are resurrected and set in operation, and then man no longer "sees through a glass darkly," but with the eye of spiritual understanding…
Man has been deficient in understanding because his brain receiver did not vibrate to certain subtle influences. The dynamic cells in the gray matter of the nerves were not finely attuned and did not respond — hence sin, or falling short of understanding.
From the teachings of the chemistry of life we find that the basis of the brain or nerve fluid is a certain mineral salt known as potassium phosphate, or Kali phos.
These people are brain workers, earnest, executive and determined — thus do they rapidly use up the brain vitalizers.”
APRIL 21 - MAY 21
“Air is the "raw material " for blood, and when it is drawn in, or breathed in, rather, by the "Infinite Alchemist," to the blood vessels, it unites with the philosopher's stone, mineral salts, and in the human laboratory creates blood.
So, then, blood is the elixir of life, the "Ichor of the Gods."
The sulphate of sodium, known to druggists as Nat. sulph., chemically corresponds to the physical and mental characteristics of those born in the Taurus month.
Taurus is represented by the cerebellum, or lower brain, and neck.
A deficiency in Natrium sulphate in the blood is always manifested by pains in the back of the head, sometimes ex tending down the spine, and then affecting the liver. The first cell-salt to become deficient in symptoms of disease in the Taurus native is Natrium sulphate. The chief office of Natrium sulphate is to eliminate an excess of water from the body.
The more surplus water there is to be thrown out of the blood, the more sodium sulphate required.
All so-called bilious or malarial troubles are simply a chemical effect or action caused by deficient sulphate of soda.
Chills and fever are Nature's method of getting rid of surplus water by squeezing it out of the blood through violent muscular, nervous and vascular spasms.
Taurus is an earth sign, but earth (soul) is precipitated aerial elements. This chemical fact was known to the scientists of the Taurian age (over 4000 years ago) ; therefore they carved the emblem of their zodiacal sign with wings.”
MAY 21 - JUNE 21
“One of the chief characteristics of the Gemini native is expression. The cell-salt Kali muriaticum (potassium chloride) is the mineral worker of blood that forms fibrin and properly diffuses it throughout the tissues of the body.
This salt must not be confused with the chlorate of potash, a poison (chemical formula KC103).
The formula of the chloride of potassium (Kali mur) is KC1.
Kali mur molecules are the principal agents used in the chemistry of life to build fibrin into the human organism. The skin that covers the face contains the lines and angles that give expression, and thus differentiates one person from another; therefore the maker of fibrin has been designated as the birth salt of the Gemini native.
In venous blood fibrin amounts to three in one thousand parts. When the molecules of Kali mur fall below the standard, the blood fibrin thickens, causing what is known as pleurisy, pneumonia, catarrh, diphtheria, etc. When the circulation fails to throw out the thickened fibrin via' the glands or mucous membrane, it may stop the action of the heart. Embolus is a Latin word meaning little lump, or balls; therefore to die of embolus or "heart failure" generally means that the heart's action was stopped by little lumps of fibrin clogging the auricles and ventricles of the heart.
When the blood contains the proper amount of Kali mur, fibrin is functional and the symptoms referred to above do not manifest. Gemini means twins. Gemini is the sign which governs the United States.”
JUNE 21 - JULY 22
“The tenacity of those born between the dates June 21 and July 22, in holding on to a home or dwelling place is well illustrated by the crab's grip, and also by the fact that it carries its house along wherever it goes in order that it may be sure of a dwelling.
The corner stone in the chemistry of the crab is the in organic salt fluoride of lime, known in pharmacy as Calcarea flourica. It is a combination of flourine and lime.
When this cell-salt is deficient in the blood, physical and mental disease (not-at-ease) is the result. Elastic fiber is formed by the union of the fluoride of lime with albuminoids, whether in the rubber tree or the human body. All relaxed conditions of tissue (varicose veins and kindred ailments) are due to a lack of sufficient amount of elastic fiber to "rubber" the tissue and hold it in place.
When elastic fiber is deficient in tissue of membrane between the upper and lower brain poles — cerebrum and cerebellum — there results a "sagging apart" of the positive and negative poles of the dynamo that runs the machinery of man.
When we know that a deficiency in the cell-salts of the blood causes the symptoms that medical ignorance has dignified and personified with names that nobody knows the meaning of, we will know how to heal scientifically by the unalterable law of the chemistry of life. When we learn the cause of disease, then, and not before, will we prevent disease.”
“The impulsive traits of Leo people are symboled in the pulse, which is a reflex of heart throbs.
The astronomer, by unerring law of mathematics applied to space, proportion, and the so-far-discovered wheels and cogs of the uni-machine, can tell where a certain planet must be located before the telescope has verified the prediction. So the astro-biochemist knows there must of necessity be a blood mineral and tissue builder to correspond with the materialized angle of the circle of the zodiac.
The phosphate of magnesia, in biochemic therapeutics, is the remedy for all spasmodic impulsive symptoms. This salt supplies the deficient worker or builder in such cases and thus restores normal conditions. A lack of muscular force, or nerve vigor, indicates a disturbance in the operation of the heart cell-salt, magnesia phosphate, which gives the "Lion's spring," or impulse, to the blood that throbs through the heart.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, and the children of that celestial sign are natural sun worshipers.
Gold must contain a small per cent of alloy or base metal before it can be used commercially. Likewise the "Gold of Ophir" — Sun's rays, or vibration — must contain a high potency of the earth salt, magnesia, in order to be available for use in bodily function Thus through the chemical action of the inorganic (mineral and water) in the organic (Sun's rays and ether) does the volatile become fixed, and the Word become flesh.”
“Oil is made by the union of sulphate of potassium (potash) with albuminoids and aerial elements.
The first element that is disturbed in the organism of those born in the celestial sign Virgo is oil; this break in the function of oil shows a deficiency in potassium sulphate, known in pharmacy is Kali sulphate.
Virgo is represented in the human body by the solar plexus and bowels, the solar plexus being the great receiving station of energy from the back brain, while the bowels complete the chemicalization of the food products ready to be assimilated by the blood.
The microscope reveals the fact that when the body is in health little jets of steam are constantly escaping from the seven million pores of the skin. A deficiency in Kali sulph molecules causes the oil in the tissue to thicken and clog these safety valves of the human engine, thus turning heat and secre tions back upon the inner organs, lungs, pleura, membrane of nasal passages, etc. And does it not seem strange that medical science, that boasts of such great progress, can invent no better term than "bad cold" for these chemical results?
Kali sulph is found in considerable quantities in the scalp and hair. When this salt falls below the standard, dandruff, or eruptions, secreting yellowish, thin, oily matter, or falling out of the hair, is the result.
Kali sulph is a wonderful salt, and its operation in the divine laboratory of man's body, where it manufactures oil, is the miracle of the chemistry of life.”
“Libra is a Latin word, meaning scales or balance. Sodium, or Natrium phosphate holds the balance between acids and the normal fluids of the human body. (*Natrium is the Latin name for Sodium)
Acid is organic and can be chemically split into two or more elements, thus destroying the formula that makes the chemical rate of motion called acid.
A certain amount of acid is always present in the blood, nerve, stomach and liver fluids. The apparent excess of acid is always due to a deficiency in the alkaline Libra salt.
Acid, in alchemical lore, is represented as Satan (Saturn), while sodium phosphate symbols Christ (Neptune). An absence of the Christ principle gives license to Satan to run riot in the Holy Temple. The advent of Christ drives the evil out with a whip of thongs. References to the temple in the figurative language of the Bible and New Testament always symbol the human organism. "Know ye not that your bodies are the Temple of the Living God?"
Hate, envy, criticism, jealousy, competition, selfishness, war, suicide and murder are largely caused by acid conditions of the blood, producing changes by chemical poisons and irritation of the brain cells, the keys upon which the soul plays "Divine harmonies" or plays "fantastic tricks before high heaven," according to the arrangement of chemical molecules in the wondrous laboratory of the soul.
Without a proper balance of the Venus salt, the agent of peace and love, man is fit for "treason, strategems, and spoils." (*Note from Editor: A stratagem is a plan, scheme, or trick used to deceive or surprise an enemy, or to gain an advantage over a competitor or adversary.)
The people of the world never needed the alkaline of Libra salt more than they do at the present time, while wars and rumors of wars strut upon the stage of life.”
One of the cell-salts of the blood, Calcarea sulphate, is the mineral ("stone") that especially corresponds to the Scorpio nature. Crude is gypsum or sulphate of lime.
While in crude form, lime is of little value; but add water, and thus transmute it by changing its chemical formation, and plaster of Paris is formed, a substance useful and ornamental. Every person born between October 23 and November 22, should well consider this wonderful alchemical operation of his esoteric stone, and thus realize the possibilities in store for him on his journey to the "Eyrie of the White Eagle."
Scorpio people are natural magnetic healers, especially after having passed through the waters of adversity, since heat is caused by the union of water and lime.
Scorpio is a water sign, governed by Mars. Mars is "a doer of things," also fiery at times; therefore, it is well that the Scorpio native take heed lest he sometimes "boil over."
In Bible alchemy, Scorpio is represented by Simeon, the second son of Jacob. Simeon means "hears and obeys." In the symbolism of the New Testament, Scorpio corresponds to the disciple Andrew, and means to create or ascend.
A break in the molecular chain of the Scorpio salt, caused by a deficiency of that material in the blood, is the primal cause of all the so-called diseases of these people. This disturbance not only causes symptoms called disease in physical functions, but it disturbs the astral fluids and gray matter of brain cells, and thereby changes the operation of mind into inharmony. Sin means to lack or fall short; thus chemical deficiencies in life's chemistry cause sin.
When man learns to supply his dynamo with the proper dynamics, he will "wash away his sins with the blood of Christ"— blood made with the "White Stone.
Calcium sulphate should not be taken internally in crude form; in order to be taken up by absorbents of mucous mem brane, the lime salt must be triturated, according to the biochemic method, up to third or sixth. By this method lime may be rendered as fine as the molecules contained in grain, fruit, or vegetables.
Blood contains three forms of lime: lime and fluorine for Cancer sign; lime and phosphorus for Capricorn sign, and lime and sulphur for Scorpio. Lime should never be used internally below the third decimal trituration.”
The mineral or cell-salt of the blood corresponding to Sagittarius is Silica.
This salt is the surgeon of the human organism. Silica is found in the hair, skin, nails, periosteum, the membrane covering and protecting the bone, the nerve sheath, called neuriemma, and a trace is found in bone tissue. The surgical qualities of silica lie in the fact that its particles are sharp cornered. A piece of quartz is a sample of the finer particles. Reduce silica to an impalpable powder and the microscope reveals the fact that the molecules are still pointed and jagged like a large piece of quartz rock. In all cases where it be comes necessary that decaying organic matter be discharged from any part of the body by the process of suppuration, these sharp pointed particles are pushed forward by the marvelous intelligence that operates without ceasing, day and night in the wondrous human Beth, and like a lancet cut a passage to the surface for the discharge of pus. Nowhere in all the records of physiology or biological research can anything be found more wonderful than the chemical and mechanical operation of this Divine artisan.
The bone covering is made strong and firm by silica. In cases of boils or carbuncle, the biochemist loses no time searching for "anthrax bacilli" or germs, nor does he experiment with imaginary germ-killing serum; he simply furnishes nature with tools with which the necessary work may be accomplished.
Sagittarius people are generally swift and strong; and they are prophetic — look deeply into the future and hit the mark like the archer. A noted astrologer once said: "Never lay a wager with one born with the Sun in Sagittarius or with Sagittarius rising in the east lest you lose your wealth."
The Sagittarius native is very successful in thought transference. He (or she) can concentrate on a brain, miles distant, and so vibrate the aerial wires that fill space that the molecular intelligence of those finely attuned to Nature's harmonies may read the message.”
“In alchemical lore the "Great Work" is commenced "in the Goat" and is finished in the "White Stone." Biochemistry is the "stone which the builders rejected," and furnishes the key to all the mysteries and occultism of the allegorical Goat.
Those persons born between the dates December 22 and January 21, come under the influence of the Sun in Capri corn — the Goat. Capricorn represents the great business interests — trusts and syndicates — where many laborers are employed. Thus Capricorn symbols the foundation and framework of society —the commonwealth of human interests.
The bones of the human organism represent the foundation stones and framework of the soul's temple (Solomon's temple ) .
Bone tissue is composed principally of phosphate of lime, known as Calcarea phosphate or Calcium phosphate. With out a proper amount of lime no bone can be formed, and bone is the foundation of the body.
When the molecules of lime phosphate fall below the standard, a disturbance often occurs in the bone tissue and the decay of bone, known as caries of bone, commences. Phosphate of lime is the worker in albumin. It carries it to bone and uses it as cement in the making of bone.
When the Goat salt is deficient in the gastric juice and bile, ferments arise from undigested foods; acids from the latter find their way to synovial fluids in the joints of legs or arms or hands, and often cause severe pains; but why the perfectly natural chemical operation should be called rheumatism passeth understanding. Non-functional albumin, caused by a lack of lime phosphate, is the cause of eruptions, abscesses, consumption, catarrh and many so-called diseases. But let us all remember that disease means not-at-ease, and that the words do not mean an entity of any kind, shape, size, weight or quality, but an effect caused by some deficiency of blood material, and that only.
Capricorn people possess a deep interior nature in which they often dwell in the "solitude of the soul."
They scheme and plan and build air castles and really enjoy their ideal world. If they are sometimes talkative, their language seldom gives any hint of the wonderland of their imagination. To that enchanted garden the sign, "No Thoroughfare," forever blocks the way.”
“Air contains seventy-eight per cent of nitrogen gas believed by scientists to be mineral in ultimate potency. Minerals are formed by the precipitation of nitrogen gas. Differentiation is attained by the proportion of oxygen and aqueous vapor (hydrogen) that unites with nitrogen.
A combination of sodium and chlorine forms the mineral known as common salt. This mineral absorbs water. The circulation or distribution of water in the human organism is due to the chemical action of the molecules of sodium chloride.
Crude soda can not be taken up by mucous membrane absorbents and carried into the circulation. The sodium molecules found in the blood have been received from vegetable tissue which drew these salts from the soil in high potency. The mineral, or cell-salts, can also be prepared (and are pre pared) in biochemic or homeopathic potency as fine as the trituration of Nature's laboratory in the physiology of plant growth. Then they are thoroughly mixed with sugar of milk and pressed into tablets ready to be taken internally to supply deficiencies in the human organism. A lack of the proper amount of these basic mineral salts (twelve in number) is the cause of all so-called disease.
Aquarius is known in astrological symbols as "The Water Bearer." Sodium chloride, known also as Natrium muriaticum, is also a bearer of water, and chemically corresponds to the zodiacal angle of Aquarius.
So, then, we have sodium chloride as the "birth salt" of Aquarius people.”
“From the earth viewpoint we say that the Sun enters the zodiacal sign Pisces February 20 and remains until March 21. This position of the Sun at birth gives the native a kind, loving nature, industrious, methodical, logical and mathematical ; sympathetic and kind to people in distress.
The phosphate of iron is one of the cell-salts of human blood and tissue. This mineral has an affinity for oxygen, which is carried into the circulation and diffused throughout the organism by the chemical force of this inorganic salt. The feet are the foundation of the body. Iron is the foundation of blood. Most diseases of Pisces people commence with symptoms indicating a deficiency of iron molecules in the blood; hence it is inferred that those born between the dates February 20 and March 21, use more iron than do those born in other signs.
Iron is known as the magnetic mineral, due to the fact that it attracts oxygen. Pisces people possess great magnetic force in their hands, and make the best magnetic healers.
Health depends upon a proper amount of iron phosphate molecules in the blood. When these oxygen carriers are deficient, the circulation is increased in order to conduct a sufficient amount of oxygen to the extremities — all parts of the body —with the diminished quantity of iron on hand. This increased motion of blood causes friction, the result of which is heat. Just why this heat is called fever is a conundrum; perhaps because fever is from Latin fevre, "to boil out," but I fail to see any relevancy between a lack of phosphate of iron and "boiling out."
“Space will permit only a brief statement of the awakening of humanity to great occult truths. However, the following from India will indicate the trend of new thought:
"Doctor Carey's remarkable researches in the domain of healing art have left no stone unturned. His discovery of the zodiacal cell-salts has added a new page in the genesis of healing art," writes Swaminatha Bomiah, M.B., Ph.D.Sc, F.I.A.C., in an article in Self-Culture Magazine, published at No. 105 Armenian St., G. T., Madras, India.”
George Washington Carey
Scientists find blood from vegans is EIGHT TIMES MORE PROTECTIVE AGAINST CANCER:
“Scientists have found that blood taken from those following a plant-based diet is 8 times more effective at killing cancer cells than blood taken from those following a Standard American Diet.
In a series of experiments people were placed on different diets and their blood was then dripped on cancer cells in a petri dish to see which diet resulted in blood that was more effective at suppressing cancer growth.
Even the blood of those on a Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) fights cancer, but the blood circulating within the bodies of those following a plant-based diet was shown to have nearly 8 times the stopping power when it comes to cancer cell growth. That was after maintaining a plant-based diet for a year.
Lifestyle changes can have a huge effect on our long term health and reduce the risk of contracting cancer and increase the chances of surviving cancer. A plant-based diet and regular exercise can really help improve our long term quality of life. And having blood that's more inhospitable to cancer growth is just one major health advantage of a plant-based diet.…” Continue Reading Here