How Nocebo Effects Fuel False Pandemics
Our thoughts are more powerful than many may realize. Just as we can heal ourselves through our positive thinking - the Placebo Effect, we also can make ourselves sick by activating the Nocebo Effect.
“Mind is the creator of everything. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic will power, it finally assumes a tangible outward form. When you are able to employ your will always for constructive purposes, you become the controller of your destiny.”
Psyoped into Sickness
“There’s mounting evidence that pessimistic beliefs and expectations can trigger hormonal, immunological and neurological changes that contribute to the adverse symptoms. When it comes to pain, the nocebo effect “can trigger an increase in brain activity in the hippocampus [as seen on functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI], which is related to pain processing, and these neurobiological events trigger an increase in pain,” Colloca explains. “When it comes to anxiety, negative expectations increase activity in the [brain’s] amygdala, which contributes to our fear of pain.” It’s an unfortunate ripple effect because “when you have increased pain, you become more anxious, and when you’re anxious, you experience more pain,” Colloca adds.
So what, if anything, can you do to guard against the nocebo effect? Being aware of the possibility that your symptoms may follow your expectations may help protect you from adverse effects.”
~ Stacey Colino ACE-CHC, MS, The Nocebo Effect: Are Your Beliefs Making You Sick?
Our world took quite a turn in March of 2020 when governments around the world, in lock-step, declared national emergencies and then proceeded to shut their countries down. Apparently, there was a dangerous and highly contagious virus on the loose that required at least a few weeks to “slow the spread”. People in China were supposedly dropping dead on the street. Entire cruise ships were succumbing to sickness and forced to quarantine for weeks on end. The CDC, World Health Organization, and several prominent political leaders and doctors were making brash statements about the vital necessity of social distancing, masking, and injecting. Lives were in danger they said! The death rates would be shocking! The overall message was essentially be afraid, be very afraid! It appeared to be a very serious situation and the majority believed what they were being told. Those who didn’t organized community events to support one another and speak their minds.
And though it may be easy to quickly judge the individuals who did comply, it would help instead to pause and consider the reason for this. Why wouldn’t they believe the mainstream medical narrative of virology? After all, the so-called indisputable fact that viral contagions exist and that it’s something we need to go to certain lengths in order to protect ourselves from has been conditioned into most worldly cultures for decades and hence forth become an actual part of the psyche of the majority of individuals. Many of these otherwise intelligent people truly believe, and understandably so, that they “contracted the virus” due to receiving a positive result on the said-to-be-trusted but really extremely inaccurate and unreliable PCR tests that were used. Others assumed they had somehow “caught it” simply because they were feeling the symptoms one commonly feels from a cold or flu.
Perhaps, if they had studied epigenetics or the many fallacies involved in the germ theory, they would have asked the right questions and avoided sickness all together. Fortunately, they now have a great opportunity to look into this all further. And some of them have. In fact, many people who initially believed the lies, have wised up and become intimately aware of the many harms and disfunctions involved in “healthcare” today. In the next section, we’ll share an abundance of evidence that will give those who have have thus far supported the germ theory, a whole new perspective to draw from.
With the same proponents of this recent “pandemic” that still wears no clothes, now pushing this hokey bird flu on the masses, it is most definitely a good time for these individuals to look into this further, take the initiative, and learn about what it is that is really making them sick and how they can heal themselves without the assistance of Big Pharma - something that we’ve all done numerous times in our lives or we would not be alive today. You may disagree with this statement, but really think about it. You surely have had at least a cut or bruise that healed on it’s own with no special treatments and simply through the passage of time. Self-healing is actually a natural component of our overall physiology when we don’t bog it down with toxins and negative thoughts. When major issues are healed in this way, oftentimes, it’s referred to as a miracle. Sometimes it’s recognized as a placebo response. And on few occasions, it is known as simply as stated above - a natural and scientifically verifiable quality of who we are as human beings.
Maybe you have family members or friends who you love dearly and are concerned for. They deserve to know the truth if they are open to it which may very well require a great deal of patience, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution skills on your part in order to communicate in a way that proves effective for whoever you are talking with. So it’s important to step inside their shoes and be as sympathetic as possible when trying to relay the fact that the same mind they use to heal themselves can also be used to make them sick - this is called the Nocebo Effect. This knowledge is known already by those “health-mandate” pushers behind the scenes who do not really care about our health at all. To the contrary, they know that when lies are constantly repeated, and especially in an already over-saturated information environment, that many peoples bodies and minds will follow suit. This is one of the points that the incredible Dr. Bruce Lipton continually makes in his groundbreaking book, The Biology of Belief:
“Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds, and thus our lives...”
― Bruce H. Lipton, The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles
Our capacities are much greater than we have been led it believe, and that is what this small group of disempowered individuals who seek to control the world actually rely on in order to support their tyrannical plans. They really can’t do it without our help. This is because our minds and bodies hold enormous amounts of power and energy. Our thoughts are potent and creative - they have real effects, both internally and externally. What we think and what we believe matters and effects what genes we activate within ourselves which in turn effects our state of being and health.
“Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces, including thought, as well as it can be controlled by physical molecules like penicillin, a fact that provides the scientific underpinning for pharmaceutical-free energy medicine.”
― Bruce H. Lipton, The Biology of Belief: Unleasing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles
When we think positively affirming thoughts of a strong body and mind, we strengthen our body and mind. And likewise, when we think negatively affirming thoughts of “catching a dangerous and potentially deadly virus”, then it’s very likely that we will start to feel some negative symptoms according to our beliefs on how viruses impact our health. Constantly bombarded by frightening news of being infected, many begin to think they really were. These thoughts provided the mental toxins needed to weaken the body’s natural defenses and create what many believed to be a real “global pandemic”.
In Dr. Joe Dispenza’s fascinating book You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter, he documents numerous real life examples of this Nocebo Effect occurring. One man’s experience is as follows:
“A funny thing happened when the hospital performed Londe’s autopsy. The man’s liver was, in fact, not filled with cancer; he had only a very tiny nodule of cancer in its left lobe and another very small spot on his lung. The truth is, neither cancer was big enough to kill him. And in fact, the area around his esophagus was totally free of disease as well. The abnormal liver scan taken at the St. Louis hospital had apparently yielded a false positive result.
Sam Londe didn’t die of esophageal cancer, nor did he die of liver cancer. He also didn’t die of the mild case of pneumonia he had when he was readmitted to the hospital. He died, quite simply, because everybody in his immediate environment thought he was dying. His doctor in St. Louis thought Londe was dying, and then Dr. Meador, in Nashville, thought Londe was dying. Londe’s wife and family thought he was dying, too. And, most important. Londe himself thought he was dying.”
Here is another very telling quote from the book about cancer patients:
“According to the National Cancer Institute, a condition called anticipatory nausea occurs in about 29 percent of patients receiving chemotherapy when they are exposed to the smells and sights that remind them of their chemo treatments. About 11 percent feel so sick before their treatments that they actually vomit. Some cancer patients start feeling nauseated in the car on the way to get chemo, before they even set foot inside the hospital, while others throw up while still in the waiting room.
A 2001 study from the University of Rochester Cancer Center published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management concluded that expecting nausea was the strongest predictor that patients would actually experience it. The researchers’ data reported that 40 percent of chemo patients who thought they would get sick — because their doctors told them that they probably would be sick after the treatment went on to develop nausea before the treatment was even administered. An additional 13 percent who said they were unsure of what to expect also got sick. Yet none of the patients who didn’t expect to get nauseated got sick.”
Regarding a group of children in a study involving poison ivy, similarly interesting results prevailed demonstrating the power of thoughts and beliefs over biology:
“A group of children were all extremely allergic to poison ivy. Researchers rubbed one forearm of each child with a poison-ivy leaf but told them the leaf was harmless. As a control, they rubbed the child’s other forearm with a harmless leaf that they claimed was poison ivy. All the children developed a rash on the arm rubbed with the harmless leaf that was thought to be poison ivy. And 11 of the 13 children developed no rash at all where the poison had actually touched them.”
Understanding and believing in our unlimited potential is also a key part of maintaining health and wellness:
“We actually express only about 1.5 percent of our DNA, while the other 98.5 percent lies dormant in the body. (Scientists called it “junk DNA,” but it’s not really junk — they just don’t know how all of that material is used yet, although they do know that at least some of it is responsible for making regulatory proteins.)
“In reality, genes contribute to our characteristics but do not determine them,” writes Dawson Church, Ph.D., in his book The Genie in Your Genes. “The tools of our consciousness — including our beliefs, prayers, thoughts, intentions, and faith — often correlate much more strongly with our health, longevity, and happiness than our genes do.” The fact is, just as there’s more to our bodies than a sack of bones and flesh, there’s more to our genes than just stored information.”
To read more of these fascinating stories, check our Austin Rose’s article: Top Quotes: “You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter” — Joe Dispenza
You can also order the book directly from Dr. Joe’s website at It’s a great read and includes many graphs and charts that demonstrate direct evidence regarding the measurable effects of placebo healings and many more interesting stories on nocebo effects as well. It will become quite clear how nocebo effects can fuel false pandemics.
Virology and the Flawed Foundations of Germ Theory VS the True to Nature Terrain Theory
Another factor in demonstrating how these so-called “pandemics” are fueled by nocebo effects is the fact that there is no real evidence proving that the virus even exists. In addition to this, the belief that virus’s are contagious is more of an accepted superstition than a scientifically proven truth. And this was actually the final conclusion of the man credited with creating the infamous germ theory in the first place, Louis Pasteur. By the time of his death, he supported the Terrain Theory over the Germ Theory:
What is the Terrain Theory?
“The terrain theory was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878), and later built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). He believed that the “terrain” or “internal environment” determined our state of health. When the body is functioning in homeostasis, and immunity and detoxification is operating well, he claimed there was a healthy terrain which could handle various pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably are thrown its way.
In essence, he believed the quality of the terrain and the elements it faced determined an individual’s susceptibility to disease.
Bernard, Bechamp, and their successors, proved that germs are not the actual root cause of sickness or disease… in reality, it is a weak terrain that is the ROOT CAUSE of sickness and disease.” ~ Maximized Health, Germ Theory VS Terrain Theory
Virus Mania!
One of the most inspiring individuals speaking out about this today is the lovely and immensely intelligent Dr. Sam Bailey who helped to write the highly recommended book Virus Mania. Here’s a summary of this extremely well-researched and written book which really lays it all so clearly:
“The population is terrified by reports of so-called COVID-19, measles, swine flu, SARS, BSE, AIDS, or polio. However, the authors of "Virus Mania", investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD, show that this fearmongering is unfounded and that virus mayhem ignores basic scientific facts: The existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven.
The book, Virus Mania, will also outline how modern medicine uses dubious indirect lab tools claiming to prove the existence of viruses such as antibody tests and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The alleged viruses may, in fact, also be seen as particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs. These particles are then "picked up" by antibody and PCR tests and mistakenly interpreted as epidemic-causing viruses.
The authors analyze all real causes of the illnesses named COVID-19, avian flu, AIDS, or Spanish flu, among them pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, malnutrition, and stress. To substantiate it, the authors cite dozens of highly renowned scientists, among them the Nobel laureates Kary Mullis, Barbara McClintock, Walter Gilbert, and Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet, as well as microbiologist and Pulitzer Prize winner René Dubos, and it presents more than 1,400 solid scientific references.
The topic of Virus Mania is of pivotal significance. Drug makers and top scientists rake in enormous sums of money and the media boosts its audience ratings and circulations with sensationalized reporting (the coverage of the New York Times and Der Spiegel are specifically analyzed). The enlightenment about the real causes and true necessities for prevention, and cure of illnesses is falling by the wayside.”
“Why is it considered “settled science” among epidemiologists, virologists and the general public that certain diseases like Influenza and COVID-19 are transmitted through human contact, when in fact it has never been proven that diseases spread this way? For more than a century Germ Theory has had the dominance and authority of religious orthodoxy, yet a far more plausible explanation for how and why we get “infected” with certain illnesses is Terrain Theory, which illustrates that a multitude of environmental and genetic components combine to determine the incidence of disease in a population or individual. In the following essay, Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, MD and Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD draw on material gathered in their extraordinary book Virus Mania to reveal the explanatory power of terrain theory.”
Dr. Sam and her Virus Mania co-authors also wrote an essay condensing some of the information from the book. Here few especially pertinent quotes from their essay:
“By focusing on microbes and accusing them of being the primary and lone triggers of disease, we overlook how various factors causing illness are linked together, such as environmental toxins, the side effects of medications, psychological issues like depression and anxiety, and poor nutrition.”
“Pasteur finally became aware of all of this, quoting Bernard’s dictum —“the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything”—on his deathbed. But Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), known as the father of chemotherapy, adhered to the interpretation that Robert Koch preached: i.e. that microbes were the actual causes of disease. For this reason, Ehrlich, who his competitors called “Dr. Fantasy,“ dreamed of “chemically aiming” at bacteria, and decisively contributed to helping the “magic bullets” doctrine become accepted, by treating very specific illnesses successfully with very specific chemo-pharmaceutical preparations. This doctrine was a gold rush for the rising pharmaceutical industry with their wonder-pill production. “But the promise of the magic bullet has never been fulfilled,” writes Allan Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard Medical School.[11]”
“Readers may wonder how it can be continually claimed that this or that virus exists and has potential to trigger diseases through contagion. An important aspect in this context is that some time ago, mainstream virus-science left the road of direct observation of nature, and decided instead to go with so-called indirect “proof” with procedures such as antibody and PCR tests, despite the fact that these methods lead to results which have little to no meaning.
Medical teaching is entrenched in Pasteur and Koch’s reality-distorting focus on one enemy, and has neglected also to pursue the thought that the body’s cells could produce a virus on its own accord, for instance as a reaction to stress factors. The experts discovered this a long time ago, and speak of “endogenous viruses”—particles that form inside the body’s cells themselves.”
Here also is an excellent video from Dr. Sam’s youtube channel. She has such a compassionate, calm and charismatic way of sharing this information and is a true joy to watch and learn from. Much love and gratitude to her!
But What About the Lab-Leaks…?
You may be wondering about the rumors of various “virus lab-leaks”. This is very cleverly executed propaganda meant to cause diversions and confusion. Thankfully, Dr. Sam’s husband, Dr. Mark Bailey, has been another sane and effective voice in helping to educate others about the realities of these lab claims and wrote an excellent article about this, Lab Leaks and Other Legends:
“One of the biggest distractions regarding the existence of pathogenic viruses is the various “supporting” stories that appear in both the mainstream and alternative media. The controlled corporate media intentionally promulgates contagion mythology as it fuels the medico-pharmaceutical complex and vested interests. Additionally, as the last few years have demonstrated, the contagion narrative is useful for pushing globalist and technocratic agendas, as exemplified by the World Economic Forum using COVID-19 hysteria to push their “Great Reset”. On the other hand, while much of the alternative media is awake to the globalist agendas and Big Pharma coverups, they continue to lend support to the existence of viruses, as well as the concept of microbial-based disease contagion in a wider sense. Unfortunately, this feeds back into the fraud (and fear) that all of the other fraud has been built upon…”
The Contagion Myth
In 2020, Dr. Tom Cowan also co-authored a very informative book that fully demonstrates the flaws in the viral contagion theory and though he does not discuss nocebos, he does offer some other possible causes of people becoming ill that have nothing to do with viruses. It was aptly titled it The Contagion Myth. More recently, he published another helpful book, Breaking The Spell: The Scientific Evidence for Ending The COVID Delusion. His reasoning is sound and true to nature versus the shaky conjecture that virologists attempt to stand on:
“The SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been shown to exist, which, of course, means that “COVID-19” cannot possibly be caused by this imaginary virus.”
“If the fact that a lot of people getting sick in the same place proves viral causation, then we could logically conclude that Hiroshima must have been a virus. If we claim that a disease that spreads is also proof of viral causation, then the Chernobyl disaster could have been caused by a virus. For more than a hundred years, people observed that one sailor after another got sick on ships. Their teeth fell out, and many went into heart failure and died. For many, it was “obvious” that something was being passed—a contagion—from one sailor to the next. At some point, however, a sailor ate a lime; the whole thing went away because, in fact, the sick sailors were suffering from scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.”
“If one takes any person with any “viral” illness—for example, chicken pox, rabies, measles, AIDS or COVID-19—the published literature does not contain any evidence of any virus that was directly isolated from any bodily fluids from even one person suffering from these illnesses. The interesting thing about this statement is that no health institution from any government in the world disagrees.”
“All particles with the size, composition and morphology of “viruses” are, in reality, the normal and inevitable results of the breakdown of our own tissues. And our tissues break down for the same reason as the cultures in Enders’ experiments broke down: They’re either starved, poisoned or both. Dying tissues produce a myriad of particles, and these particles have unfortunately been mistaken for pathogenic, exogenous viruses. It’s time to clear up this misconception.”
More Related Writings from Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey
We are very pleased to announce the release of a new book, ‘Terrain Therapy’
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