Powerful Quotes for the Covid-Compliant & Others Who Give Their Power Away to Negative Forces
None of us want our families & friends to be deceived & harmed anymore than they already have. If you know anyone who needs a strong dose of highly effective Love & Truth, this will help them.
“Untruth corrodes the soul; truth nourishes it.”
— Mahatma Gandhi
Reclaiming Our Health & Rescuing Our World
The quotes in this article are from the recently released book titled Food for Freedom: Reclaiming Our Health & Rescuing Our World by the incredible Will Tuttle, PhD. The magnitude of coherence he demonstrates is impressive and inspiring. It is like a perfectly composed piece of music showing how all our most challenging problems are interconnected and clearly communicates the causal factors involved which is so important for real understanding and change.
The information shared is well-researched, forthright, and hard-hitting in a very positive way and holds the answers to our deepest and most distressing concerns. It is a symphony of uncompromised Truth covering a broad range of issues, including the importance of the Golden Rule—a much needed spiritual practice that is included in all the world’s major religions:
“The essential teachings of the world’s religions can be summed as, ‘Whatever you want most for yourself, give that to others. To be loved, be loving. To be free, liberate others. To experience gratitude, joy, and abundance, be generous.’ When we contemplate this wisdom of the Golden Rule, we realize that it resonates in every cell of our being as profound truth. It reflects and supports another universal wisdom teaching, which is the teaching of interconnectedness and essential unity of all life.” —Will Tuttle, PhD
Just as “healthcare” is now being attacked due to all the harm, lies, and corruption thus initiated, religion too is being attacked. And while the attacks on healthcare may be fully justified, are the ones on religion as well? It’s obvious that many religious “leaders” do not practice what they preach and that many religious organizations— which may have begun sincerely, have been infiltrated on just about every level. Religion has also been used dishonestly as an excuse for war. Should we throw it all out? Brash and broad statements are being made about religion which emit the emotional pain of betrayal and this is understandable with all that humanity has been subjected to. But it’s actually to our detriment because many have thrown both the wheat and chaff out before taking the time to separate the chaff out so the wheat can remain. That wheat is the Golden Rule.
Having some sort of common moral and ethical foundation is a vital aspect of how our communities interact with themselves and the world and it determines their level of success and survival rates. Not having these common moral and ethical foundations gives way to hostile tyranny, environmental mayhem, weaponized weather, mass violence, increasing conflicts, excessive hedonism, rampant debauchery, technocratic takeover, and devastating war—which is ideally where the globalists would like to take us all. Not to mention, how important it is for improving ourselves, and moving forward positively in our lives.
This information is exactly what our world needs right now to keep it from descending into complete chaos; giving the negative forces currently infecting many of our world leaders, the impetus and excuse—the causal factors—to move forward with their dystopian plans for technocracy. We need to keep calm, support one another, and keep our wits about us for the greatest success.
From the scourge of eugenics, to the spirit-killing demand to mask ourselves, to the mass casualties caused by the latest injections, to the horrors of the food industry, to the corrupt media, to the tyrannical military-industrial-complex, and of course, to what we can all do about it, and so much more—this book covers it. Please feel free to share any of the quotes and images in this article with anyone you think they may help or better yet, just send them the book which you can order at the Food for Freedom link above. I bought 5 copies and sent them to various family members.
Food for Freedom Quotes
“These technologies have been developing for decades for use in weather modification and weather warfare operations both domestically and internationally in order to change weather and produce droughts, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, hail storms, whiplash temperature swings, ‘snow’ in above-freezing temperatures, and other unusual and extreme weather events. They can be effective in harming enemy nations, and used domestically as well, to create chaos, change crop yields, manipulate commodities and real estate markets, and everything can be conveniently blamed on climate change.”
“Going further, many credible scientists and researchers, including Dr. Michael Yeadon, former vice-president of Pfizer, question whether respiratory viruses even exist, and state their belief that there never was a deadly virus, just a global criminal fraud. As a long time high level pharmaceutical scientist and executive, Dr. Yeadon was shocked by the Covid pandemic response’s anti-scientific protocols and the injections that followed, and spoke out boldly against them, saying this, for example, at a Trafalgar Square rally in May of 2023:
‘They lied about the entire pandemic. Now I started in 2020 believing the virus transmitted respiratory disease from one person to another. I no longer believe that…
There was no pandemic. The deaths start only after the WHO declared a pandemic. The deaths occurred, I believe, to mistreatment in hospital, with ventilators and Remdesivir. I’m a pulmonary guy with over 40 years of training. You never ventilate a person who is able to breathe for themselves through an unobstructed airway with an intact chest wall. All of you doctors, who sedated and ventilated patients, you’re guilty of murder…
There was never any virus. PCR test is the only evidence that was ever given you, and it was wrong. And I told you early on, and many others told you, you cannot use that test. The inventor told us, you cannot use that test for clinical diagnosis…
When I looked at the design of these illegal vaccines, I saw a deliberate attempt to injure, to maim, and to kill…I’m telling you, the mRNA-based products can only produce injury, and that was the designed intent of these materials!
They are building factories around the world that will produce materials that will injure, maim, and kill people who take them…It has nothing to do with protecting against a virus! They’re trying to get poisonous material into every one of you, and they won’t stop! Even pregnant women, who have never, since Thalidomide, been exposed to experimental medical therapies. They wanted this in everybody! This is a murderous attack on humanity. It starts above the level of nation.’
“By the time March rolled around, we were in southern California toward the end of our tour, and though we preferred to finish up presenting the last few events we had scheduled, the local group cancelled them due to public health concerns. It is essential to see that this disturbing pattern of obedient compliance with criminally tyrannical and deceptive narratives and mandates destroy the fabric of our society, and the future of our species.”
“Why have we been so easily fooled and willing to believe the governmental, medical, and media authorities, and accede to their devastating directives, even when they are irrational, anti-scientific, and harm the causes to us which we are dedicated?
After all for many decades, it had been accepted by epidemiologists, and taught in medical schools worldwide, that healthy asymptomatic people do not spread disease. So how could it be possible to suddenly jettison not only accepted science but basic common sense, and order healthy people to attack their own physical, mental, and societal health and require them to wear face-masks, distance themselves from each other, douse their skin in toxic sanitizers, stick testing kits far up their nasal cavities into the base of their brains, and even forcibly close down the gyms, yoga studios, restaurants, churches, and stores on which their social, economic and physical health rely?
How would people ever tolerate such blatantly deceitful and draconian anti-scientific and egregiously harmful policies being imposed on them by unelected technocrats.
As time went on and these dehumanizing absurdities were imposed on people worldwide, I thought to myself that it was a shame that people in other countries were complying with this harmful nonsense, but felt assured believing that no one would comply with such freedom-crushing medical abuse in the USA. Yet in a few weeks, I was shockingly disappointed to see flocks of dutiful masked and distanced people in a few local stores and businesses allowed to remain open.”
“It had all been planned for many years in advance, and it was fascinating to see how cleverly and successfully the left was especially targeted. In the past, the left was known to be vehemently opposed to restrictions on freedoms, rights, and transparency, especially by the infamously corrupt and arrogant pharmaceutical cartel, but after years of infiltration and corruption, the left was fragmented, reduced to identity-politics, and completely captured. It became, ironically, the well-spring of deception and tyranny. The main message with the authorities was always that we are masking, testing, social distancing, getting jabbed, and going to war not for ourselves but because we care about other people. What self-respecting liberal could ever go against that? The globalist ruling class understands how to weaponize our inherent altruism against us in order to deceive us into relinquishing our freedom and our solidarity.”
“With over three registered lobbyists for every member of Congress, big pharma spends more lavishly in any other industry in lobbying federal, state, and local governments, and in contributing to election campaigns at every level. With it’s enormous wealth, it funds think-tanks and legal organizations as well as well as advertising and public relation campaigns and predatory ‘philanthropic’ projects in order to completely dominate media, public discourse, and government policy, as well as the education of scientists, doctors, veterinarians, health-care professionals, and teachers. Even the medical journals, which are the essential factor behind the medical industry esteemed status, and dictate all it’s protocols, have been thoroughly corrupted by big pharma, as Dr. Marcia Angell writes:
‘It is simply no longer possible to read much of the clinical research that is published, or to even rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I have reached slowly and reluctantly over my two years and the editor of The New English Journal of Medicine.’
“Fortunately, there is within each of us a bright guiding star that also inspires and continually nudges us toward awakening, freedom, authenticity, and healing. This force, our true nature, is ultimately unwielding, and like the blind men, our task is to remove the imposed blinders and open to ever-larger and truer perspectives, which confer even greater immunity from the fear-based narratives that would deceive us and our children into exploitation and delusion.”
“Fabricating ‘emergencies’ is a reliable way for the plutocratic class to increase wealth and power. We should now be fully aware that all these institutions, systems, complexes, and agencies have been infiltrated, that governmental bureaus invariably get captured by the industries they are created to regulate, that sick people are far more profitable than healthy people, that science is being used to surveil, harm, and imprison us, and by creating trillions of dollars out of thin air to ‘help’ us, governments, banks, and corporations are stealing our prosperity with inflation.”
“The flagrant propaganda storm and accompanying censorship of truth caused a deep divide in the population and facilitated a devastating attack on societies worldwide that led directly to a massive transfer of wealth and power from the lower and middle class to the super-rich, as well as sharp increases in rates of suicide, drug overdoses alcoholism, and violent crime. Next on the agenda came the rollout of experimental gene-altering injections that have killed and seriously injured many millions of people, and irrevocably polluted the human genome with unknown and potential insidious effects far into the future.”
“Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, also known as the father of public relations and advertising, articulated the emerging view of the “public mind” and it’s control back in 1928":
‘The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate these unseen mechanisms of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the spheres of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of people…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pulls the wires which control the public mind.’
“Gullibility is harmful because it increases violence in the world. It enables and promotes deception, and deception is a treacherous form of violence.
In stressful situations, gullibility can become toxic if it becomes aggressive and lashes out at others who refuse to comply with narratives and mandates we have been seduced to internalize.
While it is well understood that deliberate deception is unethical and harmful to others, it’s important to understand that gullibility is also unethical and harmful to others. There is significant truth in the old saying, “You cannot fool an honest person.”
Gullibility doesn’t just allow deception, it spurs it on. We tend to think of easily deceived person as an innocent victim, but there is something nefarious and irresponsible in allowing ourselves to be victimized by deception.
When we are honest and aware, we are not easily fooled. Being easily fooled does tremendous damage not only to ourselves but to everyone around us, and the contagion of foolishness and rampant deception is difficult to heal or stop, because it is unconscious and hypnotic.”
“It’s also important to keep our minds and hearts open and to reject feelings and notions of superiority when judging what appears to be gullibility in others. Virtually, all of us are potentially deceivable and the power that would deceive us are shrewd.”
“Social psychologist Solomon Asch discovered in group conformity, summing up his findings:
‘The tendency to conformity in our society is so strong that reasonably intelligent and well-meaning young people are willing to call white black. This is a matter of concern. It raises questions about our way of education and about the values that guide our conduct.’
“We are taught that trusting authorities is a virtue, when in truth it is more accurately a pernicious vice that reflects a fear of discomfort, and a mistrust of our inner wisdom and potential. It often reflects a craving for acceptance, a fear of responsibility, and a dread of losing face or being shunned or criticized by authority figures or by our in-group.”
“What we mean by freedom throughout this book is the healthy individual sovereignty that is based on taking responsibility for our lives and choices, and respecting the freedom and sovereignty of others. It is not the faux freedom that self-aggrandizing actors and corporations invoke to rationalize externalizing costs onto others and harming others for one’s own benefit. This is merely self-centered license and is diametrically opposed to and undermines authentic freedom and and sovereignty.”
“A primary obstacle in our quest for health and freedom is deliberate deception, which is reaching epic proportions. Deception is the most insidious of all forms of violence, because if we are beaten, abused, robbed, and so forth, we know we have been harmed, but when we have been deceived, we are particularly unaware of it, and the damage that deception can wreak is thus far greater than any other type of violence.
It can continually grow virtually without limits, ever compounding its harm, stealing our health, our resources, and our freedom, and we remain oblivious because as Upton Sinclair put it, “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.”
“Niccolo Machiavelli summed it well: “One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.” When we allow ourselves to be deceived, we not only harm ourselves, we harm everyone around us. We contribute to creating pandemics of deception and delusion that are invisible to all who have been fooled.”
“The longer deception continues, the more entrenched gullibility tends to become, both individually and culturally. Thus it is not only deceptive coercion that is unethical, as 19th century English philosopher emphasized: ‘There is one thing in the world more wicked that the desire to command, and that is the will to obey.’ Being willfully compliant and gullible is equivalent in many ways to be willfully harmful and abusive, especially during this time when media, medicine, government, and our inherent altruism, are all being weaponized against us, against truth, health, and freedom.
With more training and insight, we can shine the light of truth, reveal and dissipate potential violence, and help to heal the situation. Discriminating awareness and mindfulness tend to minimize harm and abuse, while gullibility and aquiescence tend to foster them. ”
“Our language is also corrupted to reflect this, and the meanings of words become their opposite in ironic ways. Journalist Chris Hedges illustrates this:
‘We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.’
“A more holistic and empowering alternative to the germ theory, championed by Pasteur’s contemporary and rival, Antoine Bechamp, is known as the terrain theory. The basic idea that our health is based on the over-all quality of our physiological terrain, and that this terrain is influenced by many factors, such as the quality of nutrition and exercise we are getting, as well as sunshine, rest, and the mental and emotional faculties that are always affecting our physiology because the mind and teh body are essentially a unified whole.
This holistic perspective, though far more in alignment with reality than the germ- theory is profoundly threatening to the medical-pharmaceutical industry, so is censored, ignored, discounted not only in the education of doctors and nurses, but also in our general culture, and in the media, as well as in online search engines and resources like Google and Wikipedia.”
“Could it be that the many millions of pounds of chemicals now pervading our food, water, and air, as well as the stress, fear, frustration, disconnection from nature, lack of spiritual purpose and other factors such as the now inescapable EMF fields, are the real culprits causing our disease? By ignoring these factors and focusing on “germs”, the medical-pharmaceutical complex imposes a reductionist model, and as T. Colin Campbell, author of Whole, has pointed out, ‘Reductionism is highly profitable to the medical industry.’"
“Plato, in his dialogue, Laws, describes two different medical systems in Athens at that time, one for slaves, and one for ‘freemen.’ The doctors for slaves…
‘hold no parley with their patients about their diseases or the remedies of them. They practise by rule of thumb, and give their decrees in the most arbitrary manner. When they have doctored one patient, they run off to another, whom they treat with equal assurance, their duty being to relieve the master of the care of his sick slaves.’
Does this sound familiar? The doctors of freemen use a more holistic approach:
‘the doctor who practises of freemen proceeds in quite a different way. He takes counsel with his patient and learns from him, and never does anything until he is persuaded him of what he is doing. He trusts to influence rather than force’
The currently-dominant reductionist medical model based on the germ theory, which treats the patient as a mere biochemical machine and has no time to look more deeply or holistically at the person and the many contributing dimensions to the person’s mind-body terrain, is modern medicine for slaves.”
“Our word spirit derives from the old Latin word spiritus, meaning breath, so it is essential to realize that being told to cover our face with a mask is a demand not just to block our breath, but also our spirit. Facial coverings repress our spiritual strength, and reduce our unique individual identity, blocking our ability to smile and convey our expressions, and interfering with our ability to connect, speak, and communicate with each other. They are literally de-humanizing, and are a direct assault on our humanity, turning us symbolically into submissive livestock. Masks also block our basic sense of kinship and solidarity with other people. Looking at masked people is inherently stressful and creates and underlying sense of unease and anxiety. It is well known that robbers and criminals typically mask their faces so they can harm others without with responsible or identifiable.”
“The prestigious Cochrane Institute’s exhaustive meta-analysis of all studies done on the effectiveness of masks, including the N95 mask, in preventing transmission of respiratory ‘viruses like Covid’ through October 2022 concluded that they do not work. The U.K. Health Insurance Agency in April of 2023 admitted the non-existence that even the N95 mask, the gold standard, could provide any protection from Covid. In fact, the N95 masks are themselves now understood to be extremely toxic, and as reported by the National Institutes of Health, ‘the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOC)’”
“According to researchers, masking itself, even with non-toxic organic cotton material, can cause significant harm, including hypoxia (depleted oxygen), hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide), and brain damage. Like many things that are unhealthy to us, masking seems to be psychologically addicting and reassuring.”
“It is well understood today, as it has been for thousands of years, that it is difficult for our minds to be healthy if our bodies are unhealthy. The reverse, as with other dimensions of health and freedom is also true. Negative emotional states and chronic mental stress take a severe toll on our physical health.”
“How could we fail to question mandates requiring us to consume bodily waste? Wearing masks forced us to re-assimilate a wide variety of toxins that our body has wisely eliminated.”
“Forcing people to wear facemasks is not only insidiously dehumanizing and debilitating, it ensares us in a terribly destructive falsehood: that we are inherently dangerous to each other. This is unprecedented and completely anti-scientific.”
“Happy, healthy, people do not need or desire pharmaceutical products or tyrannical health mandates; only anxious, sick, and deceived people do.”
“These injections are tested on animals who are killed in the process, and the ‘Covid pandemic’ created such a demand for laboratory to be killed in biomedical research that the U.S. government was forced to spend millions of dollars on an emergency breeding program.
These injections also use aborted human fetal cell lines in their manufacture. Whence come these aborted fetuses? The pharmaceutical industry has tried to keep this hidden, but a Pfizer quality auditor leaked the internal documents showing that these injections us HEK239 cell line, as this journalist explains:
‘The most prominent cell line, called HEK 293, comes from an abortion performed in the 1970s. It’s labeled 293 because that’s how many experimental attempts the researchers needed to get a working cell line, Therefore, thought the abortion-to-experiment ratio is not precisely one-to-one, hundreds of abortions went into that project, even if they didn’t result in the working line.
HEK stands for human embryonic kidney. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney for this purpose, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which would lessen the viability of the organs.
The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the torturous manner it did precisely to maintain her organs for research . The harvest for her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.’
Having her kidneys cut out while alive and fully sensitive killed her, and she was subsequently disposed of like trash like the lambs and calves thrown on dead piles by the animal food industry.”
“Just in the first six months, the number of deaths and serious adverse events reported in the CDC’s Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has surpassed the combined total number of reported adverse events of all vaccines for the prior 30 years...”
“Not only are child trafficking and sexual abuse recognized to have become widespread problems. There is also a burgeoning market for organs as well as blood and adrenochrome harvested from children. Adrenochrome is a chemical compound arising from the oxidization of adrenalin.”
“The pervasive censorship of truthful and empowering information, targeting even respected experts and whistleblowers, is necessary precisely because undefendable falsehoods are propagated by authorities who well understand that their harmful deceptions would shrivel and die if properly exposed to the light of public discourse.”
“[Big] Pharma’s primary motivation in advertising is to buy the absolute certainty that mainstream media will never journalistically challenge it, and will always defend and promote [Big] Pharma’s narrative and public image, no matter how destructive that may be for public good.
Money buys influence, allegiance, and narrative control and there’s even more to it than the power of corporate advertisers. Governments, through their so-called intelligence communities as well as military and health agencies, are deeply involved also. The only way to maintain corporate, financial, and military dominance, and an unjust and unequal social system, is through effective media management. As but one example, it is well known that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), through it’s Operation Mockingbird, has been working diligently for decades to plant and control journalists, editors, and news managers, not only in all major U.S. media outlets and corporations, but worldwide as well.”
“With its high profits, the pharmaceutical industry is not only the most lucrative industry, but also the most corrupt. In recent history, for example, Pfizer was required to pay the largest criminal fine in U.S. history, over two billion dollars, and Glaxo-Smith-Klein topped that paying the largest combined criminal and civil fine ever, over three billion dollars.”
“It has been helpful to study the pervasive use of subliminal images and conditioning both in television as well as print media, and I encourage all of us to develop media smarts to defend ourselves from being manipulated, not only by the outward deceptions cascading continually from mainstream media, but also through pervasive use of stories , subliminals, emotional association, embedded tribalistic triggers, and image-identifications that are designed to subtly manipulate us into attitudes and actions that are not in our best interests.”
“Those who carried out this false-flag operation [9/11] also employed military-grade propaganda and censorship technologies, as well as a complete capture of the relevant governmental agencies and investigations.”
“Beyond all of this, there is also the reality of mass thought-forms and vibrational fields, which are created by large fields, which are created by large-scale cultural and media events. When many thousands or millions of people are thinking similar thoughts, or feeling similar emotions, potent thought-forms and resonant fields are created that will tend to draw us into them if our mental and emotional tone is open and receptive to them.
This is another reason that meditation, self-inquiry, and internal clarity and self-reliance are essential to our well-being. An effective way to resist low-vibrational group-think, group-fear, and group-hate, that are intended to control the population is to consciously and regularly make and effort to free ourselves from identification with cultural programs, and to raise our mental and emotional vibratory frequency to higher levels imbued with compassion, gratitude, and inner peace.
This confers immunity from the real contagion, which is mental and emotional, not physical.”
“When we sow harmful actions and attitudes that feed our shadow, we eventually reap the fear, disease, and violence that we reap on others.”
“The idea of scientific consensus is a dangerous illusion, and somewhat comically pretends to reduce truth to something that is ascertained by voting. The idea of settled science destroys the spirit of open inquiry and curiosity, and legitimizes accusing anyone—even recognized and respected researchers—of hearsay de facto excommunicating them from the body of the faithful.”
“The consensus falsehoods, dutifully repeated by obedient media and politicians, reveal the corruption and as Dr. Michael Chrichton emphasizes, “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it’s not science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming the matter is already settled. In addition, the whole idea of turning carbon dioxide into a villain is nonsensical, because it is the precious foundation for life on earth.’’
“The scientists and researchers from Global Climate Intelligence Group state, ‘Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities, There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.’
‘CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.’
“The mainstream media tells us, and we naively believe, that the powerful petroleum industry is against the climate movement because ‘green energy’ will hurt it’s profits, not realizing that the globalist oligarchy that owns and controls the media, also owns and controls not just all the oil companies, but all the so-called ‘green energy’ companies as well, such as solar power, windmill, and lithium battery industries, and are pushing for the transition to ‘green energy’ as a way to not only increase profitability long-term, but to further appropriate land and freedom from the public.”
“When will our intuition and discriminating awareness kick in and empower us to avoid the temptation to credulously jump on deceptive globalist bandwagons as if they were our friends, in order to promote our cause? It is ironic that as vegans and environmentalists, we allow ourselves to be fooled into an agenda of the worst enemy of animals, ecosystems, and human health: the globalist plutocrats.”

“Big pharma carefully cultivates narratives, such as the germ theory, that guarantee that people will interpret sickness incorrectly, and see it not as a manifestation of either unresolved inner issues or of the bodies intelligent and cleansing self-healing capacities, but rather as an attack by what it proclaims are innumerable invisible enemies that are constantly threatening us and trying to harm us.”
“As a child, I was conditioned to believe in contagion by adults around me, and the ‘cooties’ games we would play, but the new method of forcing children to wear face masks takes the nefarious germ theory to a much more sinister and visceral level. As long as we fail to question the medical propaganda, we will be easy prey for the next pandemic narrative, which is surely coming.”
“The basic technique is to surreptitiously weaponize our good intentions against us, while posing as our benefactors.”
“In many ways, our culture’s materialistic and its technology that we are taught to venerate for bringing us ‘progress’ are actually Trojan Horse forces, that continually erode our environmental, cultural, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health. The price we pay for whatever comfort, convenience, and security that our modern technology supposedly is, in many ways higher than the benefits conferred.”
“There is also deliberate mendacity, such as weather agencies and mainstream media substituting much hotter surface level temperatures for the normally-used two-meter-level temperatures, to deceptively exaggerate heat levels. Climatologist John Christy sums it well, ‘There are groups in the world, the political elite, that like to have a narrative that scares people so they can offer a solution.”
“For example, while feeding fear by trumpeting that “the era of global boiling has arrived,” the U.N. and mainstream media simultaneously ignored what most researcher consider to be a significant anomalous contributing factor to temporary increased global temperatures. In January 2022, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga volcano, with a summit 490 feet beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean, erupted and according to NASA, “blasted an unprecedented amount of water into the stratosphere, approximately 150,000 metric tons of vaporized ocean water. Water vapor is the primary ‘greenhouse gas’ in the atmosphere, naturally regulating temperatures, and this volcano suddenly created, according to researchers a year later, “an unprecedented increase in the global stratospheric water mass by 13%.”
“The technology that permeate our lives is a kind of Luciferian hubris that propels us to dominate the natural world, destroying it and ‘improving’ it by violent manipulation. This wounds us egregiously without us realizing it. The future it has in store for us cannot be other than one of centralized control, slavery, ugliness, and meaninglessness, no matter how well-paid narrative controllers try to spin it.”
“We are indoctrinated from infancy into the mythos of scientism, to see ourselves as physical bodies born in a random and essentially meaningless universe. This creates an existential anxiety that disempowers us and undermines our self-confidence and makes us naive and easily controlled. This anxiety also fuels consumerism, which is our culture’s shallow and pathetic surrogate proxy to genuine authenticity and meaning. Invidious consumption is the primary way for us to prove and display our self-worth to others and ourselves, and is the main path offered to find meaning in our lives.
This of course ensures our willing subjection to the industrial—medical complex whose products offer us the only approved avenue to validate our self-worth, find success and fulfillment, and protect ourselves from the ever-expanding threats of disease, depression, and absurdity.
This tends to make us even more miserable, harmful, and confused, which further aids the domination agenda of the parasitic ruling class.”
“Science is easily bought and manipulated. Through their controlled organizations such as The Club of Rome, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, as well as academia and media, plutocrats can effectively create and broadcast a complete deception.”
“By disguising parasitic and self-centered exploitation as beneficial and natural, a tiny majority has been able to gradually create a situation where it can reliably manipulate and fool the vast majority.”
“Covid is just one of the many manipulative frauds that have been deployed by government forces over recent decades, not only against overseas adversaries, but also domestically against the taxpaying public. As a number of researchers have demonstrated, the Covid pandemic event was initiated and organized as a military operation by the C.I.A., the Pentagon, the Biodefense Commission, and the Department of Homeland Security, in conjunction with the World Health Organization.
Many of us seem to still not realize what is happening because we can’t believe that our own government and media sources would deliberately lie to us or seek to harm us, similar perhaps to sheeps regarding their shepherd.”
“Truly free people would never exploit animals the way we do, or even tolerate living in such a society. Social psychologist Eric Fromm points out in his classic book, Escape from Freedom, that most of us—because we are thoroughly indoctrinated from birth into authoritarian and hiearchical power that systematically prevent individual freedom, that most of us—are conditioned to crave both submission and domination, thus we do whatever we can to escape freedom, sovereignty, and authentic responsibility for our actions.
Though much of it operates below the threshold of awareness, we are trained to actually crave being told what to do by outside authorities, and being able to obediently follow their orders. As Fromm discusses, the authoritarian personality not only needs and longs for submission to superiors, but also craves to similarly dominate others.”
“Basically, it is our authentic spirituality as communities of individuals that guarantees the degree of legitimate spirituality in our religious institutions. We as individuals are responsible for the quality of spirituality in our religious institutions.”
“The pharmaceutical industry’s worst nightmare is a world of healthy people, eating whole, organic vegan foods and taking responsibility for their health. Neither my wife Madeleine nor I have bought any pharmaceuticals from a drugstore or doctor for any medical condition in the past fifty years. This is simply recognition that our health is primarily in our own hands. The fact that it is unusual says more about how much our society has changed in the past one hundred years than it says about us. We have used a variety of non-medical and non-pharmaceutical approaches that have been helpful over the years, and millions of people behave like us in this regard.”
“Our word vaccination comes from the Latin root vacca meaning cow and the derivative word vaccinia which refers to cowpox disease. The vacca-cination of Humanity is the agenda of of turning humans into cows: livestock to be exploited.”
“In fact, while our routine abuse and consumption of millions of animals daily brings to the large animal food-based corporations like Smithfield, Cargill, and Macdonalds, it brings even more wealth to the chemical-pharmaceutical-medical complex which is also dependent of animal agriculture for its massive profits.”
“We are called to an in-the-trenches daily practice of reclaiming and reestablishing our natural capacity to treat animals as well as each other with understanding and respect, and free our consciousness from the preemptive influence of our culture’s materialism.”
“Liberating animals, we create the foundation for our own freedom. Otherwise we are, like them, trapped in the masked deceptions of dark institutions that spring unstoppably from the violence of herderism and the Dark Food system into which we have all been born.”
“Technology has clearly been weaponized to propel us toward the fulfillment of the globalist agenda of centralized control that turns the entire earth into a digital panopticon where a few, with massive wealth and power can reduce humanity to exploited livestock.”
“Every moment of every day is an opportunity to question, learn, and grow, and to contribute to reclaiming our health, transforming the spooking delusions of fear, alienation, separation into the bright serenity that comes from understanding our true nature and treating all beings as we would like to be treated, with kindness and respect.”
“Looking into our cultural predicament, and the domination by the many by the wealthy few, and the litany of problems that we face, we can see clearly that this predicament is a poignant mirror and product of our own treatment of animals. The trillions of animals that we abuse and kill annually for food are powerless in our hands and cannot retaliate against us, but our violence itself retaliates against us, as we generate the forces that exploit us in the same way we exploit animals.
As we sow, we reap, and for virtually every problem of harm that we are experiencing in our human world, if we look carefully, we see that we are inflicting this same harm onto animals who are at our mercy, and to whom we show no mercy.”

“We as humans have three inherent capacities that are essential and precious allies in our quest for understanding and happiness: rationality, empathy, and intuition. If any of these three allies were actually functioning well in our society, we would have long ago abandoned animal agriculture.”
“It is a supreme challenge to be incarnated in this culture where everyday we are expected to ritualistically consume the flesh of terrified animals, deepening our alienation from nature, and our true nature, and passing it on to our children, not just in the food rituals, but virtually all the institutions of our society. To address this challenge, we are called to questions everything, especially the reductionism epitomized in scientism.”
“John Muir lovingly referred to animals as “our fellow mortals,” encouraging us to sew the seeds of respect in our treatment of these fellow passengers on earth, whose interests are as significant to them as ours are to us. We are deceived into ignoring this principle of reciprocity, and part of the mental prison of our cultural indoctrination is materially limiting our life to just a few decades between our birth and death. As consciousness, our lives are far greater than this, as virtually all wisdom traditions emphasize. We certainly reap the the fruits of the seeds we sow in this life, and beyond.”
"The ruling cabal thereby keeps us confused and divided, and harvests the social capital that legitimate movements have painstakingly built up. Stealing it, they use it to their own advantage. We see the same thing unfolding in the animal liberation movement as well. The vegan movement's prime goal is to liberate animals (and us human animals as well) and yet by promoting plant-based Frankenfoods made with genetically-engineered ingredients, filled with toxic fats, chemical additives, pesticide residues, and especially the specter of lab-grown, animal-cell-based-factory-produced flesh and dairy products, the pharma-chemical food industry can conflate plant-based and vegan, reducing veganism's public image to that of a movement that promotes toxic, artificial foods that promote human enslavement..."
“The liberating truth, however, is that all the nutrients that find their way into the flesh of animals and their milk and eggs—all the amino acids that make up the proteins, the lipids that make up the fats, and the vitamins and minerals—come originally from plants, either made by them through photosynthesis, or extracted by them from the soil. We can cut out the middle ‘animal’ and eat plants directly, reducing the load of toxins and misery we are causing and eating.”
“With the Covid crisis in early 2020, the vegan movement clearly had a golden opportunity to champion the rights, freedom, and sovereignty of not just individual animals, but of individual humans as well. This would have been an enormously valuable contribution to the well-being of society through that dark and challenging time.
Yet the vegan movement, similar in many ways to the political left, revealed the extent to which it had been infiltrated and captured by the seductive power of wealth and narrative control. Unable to maintain a vital inner connection with the core values of vegan living, many vegans allowed the rampant fear porn gushing from the media, government, and medical authorities to sweep them into unquestioning compliance, and ironically into championing the virulently anti-vegan pharmaceutical-medical-chemical complex.
Equally incongruous, many of us demand respect for our own sovereignty, and rightfully organize and work to educate others about the importance of health freedom and all of our inalienable rights, while at the same time destroying the freedom and sovereignty of animals by failing to question prevailing cultural narratives.”
“Ultimately our leaders and governments are a mirror of us, the people. If we the people systematically engage in violent, tyrannical, abusive behavior on a massive scale, how are we not similarly worthy of being systematically tyrannized and abused? The overwhelming majority of our population is directly driving the system that traumatizes, mutilates, and kills billions of animals daily for food and other products on uses and other products and uses. We have no objective need to abuse these animals and the wildlife, ecosystems, and human beings directly and indirectly killed by animal agriculture, because we can all still thrive on a fraction of the land and resources now used, through a whole-food, organic vegan lifestyle.”
“It is encouraging to see that increasing numbers of people seem to be realizing this basic truth: whatever we sow in our treatment of animals, we reap in our human lives. I have been warning for several decades now that when we insist relentlessly confining, tracking, force-medicating, abusing, and exploiting millions of animals, we create the conditions to inexorably unfold in our human lives. The pharmaceutical industry and those who run it view humanity as mere livestock to be exploited are, in a paradoxical way, our teachers, revealing to us the potency of our similarly unnecessary treatment of billions of animals.”
“Once we are to make the connections, see the patterns, and unlearn what we previously learned, our innate intelligence awakens, freeing us from gullibility and providing helpful immunity from being tricked and coerced by these techniques.”
“May all be free and at peace.”
Now let’s return full-circle to what was discussed in the introduction and the importance of having a common moral and ethical foundation for our societies—this is the Golden Rule found in all the world’s major religions. But many people today are ready to throw religion completely out the window which is understandable—but this would actually lead to a dark descent into even more lawlessness and chaos. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to see our children grow up in a more peaceful world. I’d also like to see animals treated how they should be; with dignity, compassion, respect, and love.
When we ponder the Golden Rule, and it’s emphasis on treating others how we’d like to be treated, we can now include animals—since they are others as well—a Truth you may recall from your childhood as most children naturally view animals in this way and have to be trained to see them as mere commodities. When we fail to be inclusive in this manner, we clearly reap the results and I have heard many say they feel like they have or are being “treated worse than animals”. Reflect on that.

And a huge thanks to the incredible author, Will Tuttle, PhD who tours around the country and world to share his much needed message. You can view his event schedule on his site at WillTuttle.com. The amount of gratitude I feel for his work and the liberating offerings in Food for Freedom is immense. May Will and his lovely wife Madeleine be forever blessed. Here he is, smiling joyfully, while conducting a very inspiring workshop in Mesa, AZ during the midst of the ‘Covid pandemic’ and in the height of the paranoid pressures to stay home, mask, and distance. This photo—as well as several more empowering quotes from Will, are included in The Water Liberty Project: Learn the Truth About Water & How Abundant It Really Is:

Let’s conclude with another great quote from Will’s book:
“For us, the people, to merit living in societies of freedom, equality, justice, and health, with honorable leaders who serve with wisdom and integrity, we are called, as individuals, to do the inner work necessary to cultivate these qualities in ourselves, not just from the point of view from other humans, but also from the perspective of the unprotected and vulnerable, such as cows, chicken, fishes, ecosystems, and future generations. This addresses the root of our problems and heal the wounds imposed upon us by the herding culture’s conditioning.
No leader can rescue us if we don’t make this basic change. If we fail to perform our due diligence and stir ourselves out of indifference, we will continue to manifest the tyrannical abusive leaders that our actions warrant. The world is ultimately a mirror, and learning is an essential purpose behind it all. This Earth school, with it’s enormous challenges, has remarkable potentials as well.”
—Will Tuttle, PhD
When religion is understood purely and clearly, without all the noise that has been heaped on it, and without the corruption and lies that have been put forth by various religious organizations and leaders, religion is the same as spirituality. And we certainly don’t want to throw out our spirituality for it is who we really are. Founder of The Self-Realization Center, Parahamamsa Yogananda, has talked extensively about this in his book Making Religion Scientific. Instead of getting rid of religion, we can remove the dogma and practice it scientifically; which is what advanced yoga practices really do as taught by Jesus to his disciples and discussed in the article titled, The True Zodiak: The Word Made Flesh Explained (Video, Synopsis & Additional Insights):
“If by religion we understand only practices, particular tenets, dogmas, customs, and conventions, then there may be ground for the existence of so many religions; but if religion means primarily God-consciousness, or the realization of God, both within and without, which it really does; secondarily, a body of beliefs, tenets, and dogmas, then strictly speaking, there is but one religion in the world, for there is but one God; and different forms of worship, tenets, and conventions may be held to form the grounds for the origin of different denominations and sects included under that one religion. If religion is understood this way then, and then only can it’s universality be maintained, for we can not possible universalize particular customs or conventions. Only the element common to all world religions can be universalized. Then it can be said that religion is not only necessary, but it is universal as well. Everyone follows the same religion for there is but one, its universal element being one and the same. Only it’s customs and conventions differ.”
"The inventor told us, you can use that test for clinical diagnosis…"
It seems the word "not" is missing?