The Future of Energy
As humans beings, born in the image of God, our creative potentials are infinite and vast when we are sincere and aligned with The Divine Plan. This is one of the qualities I’ve always loved and appreciated about the great genius, Nikola Tesla. He knew that God was the real source of all knowledge. And though he was highly intelligent and often mistreated, he remained humble and true to his efforts of helping others through his incredible inventions.
He was a man born before his time which led to quite a bit of friction around him and his work. As he himself has stated in the above quote, the masses of the world were unprepared for such great change. Many could not even begin to comprehend Tesla’s rather large ideas, resulting in numerous rejections and misunderstandings. One simply can not pour an ocean into a small cup.
He also intuitively understood Natural Law as noted in the quote as well: As Above, So Below. As Within So Without. In other words, the inventions that serve the masses generally reflect the consciousness of the masses. Having just risen out of a very dark age, we were and are still finding our bearings and just now awakening to a greater awareness of what is really happening in our world and beyond. This will surely prompt another scientific revolution that will bring forth long withheld inventions to the public as well as many completely new ideas.
“Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material. Long ago I came to this conclusion.” — Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Papers According to John Trump
Although John Trump was very intelligent, it’s clear that he - along with many others, had not yet reached the intuitive and intellectual heights of Tesla and understandably so. It would be quite a tall order for anyone in this day and age to fully comprehend all that Tesla understood within. This can be seen through Trump’s faulty interpretations of Tesla’s papers: Exhibits A-Q below.
And while Trump certainly did the best he could, he simply lacked the knowledge to understand the full breadth of ideas that Tesla was proposing so instead of acknowledging this, he chose to write them off as “unworkable”. Nonetheless, Trump led a life of service and has made many significant contributions to the world and his fellow man. You can read his War Diary on the MIT Distinctive Collections website after filling out a short form. Included and shared here under fair use, is a quote from a letter to John Trump from Vannevar Bush, Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development:
“Let me, therefore, express ~ keen appreciation and deep gratitude for the services you performed both in the early years of the Radiation Laboratory and later as our representative for the British Branch of the Laboratory. Without the cooperation of men such as yourself, I am convinced we never could have achieved what we did. I believe you may take great satisfaction for your part in the progress of such a new animal as radar. I offer my hearty congratulations on what you have accomplished and best wishes- for your full success in the future.
And so this is not to discount Trump’s hard work over the years but simply the elephant in the room - in my mind anyways. I think that Nikola Tesla’s friend, Walter Russell would have been a much greater asset in the analysis of the Tesla Papers - but people ignored Russell’s scientific genius and saw him only as artist while John Trump had already made quite a name for himself in the field of scientific research:
Dr. John G. Trump, an electrical engineer with the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, was called in to analyze the Tesla papers in Office of Alien Property custody. Following a three-day investigation, Dr. Trump concluded:
“His [Tesla's] thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character often concerned with the production and wireless transmission of power; but did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.”

Included below are additional Notes from the Editor. These will be distinguished in parenthesis (*). Quotes related to the subject but not in original document will be placed in block quotes.
(*My dad, a highly respected and well-known inventor in his own right now out of body, was actually studying for his undergraduate and PhD mechanical engineering degrees at MIT during the time that Trump was a professor there. When Trump was working with the military on radar during WWII, my grandpa was a part of the Office of War Information and building radio and communication systems for our allies.)
An updated article probably written in 1934 discussing the possibilities, as a source of high-voltage DC power, of the Van de Graff type of electrostatic belt generator. The article states correctly the electrostatic principles employed in this device and points out such generators are not suitable for commercial high-power applications, though of undoubted scientific value. Tesla’s wireless tower, erected in 1902 on Long Island, is stated in this memorandum to have been charged to 30 million volts.
An undated memorandum involving some calculations of the explosive power of certain compounds and then deviating to a discussion of the possibility of transmitting power by mechanical vibrations along the earth’s crust.
A 41 page memorandum probably written about 1930 dealing with the above subject and proposing new theories of capillarity and surface tension (*where there is tension, there is energy). This correspondence indicated that this had been submitted to various industrial companies.
This document, dated November 8, 1935, answers questions raised by Soviet engineers and scientists regarding Tesla’s proposal of May 16, 1935. From this answer it is deduced that the proposal included the generation of high voltage terminal presumable supported on an insulating column and charged by a gaseous charge conveying medium passing through ground and terminal. The idea contained in the memorandum are fairly similar to the belt-conveyer electrostatic generator methods proposed by Van de Graaff and do not appear to offer any visual features.
(*Van de Graaff generators are not expensive and can be ordered on Amazon and elsewhere. The real magic happens when these sorts of generators are connected to other uncommon forms of technology that generate energy and electrical fields as well. Here is the Van de Graaff hand crank version:
This apparatus can generate an electrostatic charge of up to 100,000 volts in the right conditions. It measures 22 inches in height and features a metal sphere measuring 20 centimeters in diameter.)
This document, in the form of a letter dated June 12, 1940 to the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, proposes a method for the transmission of large amounts of power over vast distances by means of mechanical vibrations of the earth’s crust. The source of power is a mechanical or an electromechanical device bolted to some rocky protuberance and imparting power at a resonant frequency of the earth’s crust. The proposed scheme seems to be completely visionary and unworkable. Westinghouse’s reply indicates their polite rejection of this idea.
(*Misunderstandings of various ideas and concepts often lead to their rejection.)
“In Leland Anderson's newest book Nikola Tesla's Teleforce & Telegeodynamics Proposals these two important papers, hidden for more than 60 years, are presented for the first time. The principles behind teleforce—the particle-beam weapon, and telegeodynamics—the mechanical earth-resonance concept for seismic exploration, are fully addressed. In addition to copies of the original documents, typed on Tesla's official stationery, this work also includes two Reader's Aid sections that guide the reader through the more technical aspects of each paper. The papers are followed by Commentary sections which provide historical background and functional explanations of the two devices. Significant newspaper articles and headline accounts are provided to document the first mention of these proposals. A large Appendix provides a wealth of related material and background information, followed by a Bibliography section and Index.
Note: No further printings of this Limited Edition are planned at this time.”
This undated document by Tesla describes the electrostatic method of producing very high voltages and capable of very great power. This generator is used to accelerate charged particles, presumably electrons. Such a beam of high voltage electrons passing through air is the “concentrated nondispersive dispersive” means by which energy is transmitted through natural media. As a component of this apparatus there is described an open-ended vacuum tube within which the electrons are first accelerated.
The proposed scheme bears some relation to present means for producing high energy cathode rays by the cooperative use of high voltage electrostatic generator and an evacuated evacuated electron acceleration tube. It is well known, however, that such devices, while of scientific and medical interest, are incapable of transmissions of large amounts of power in non-dispersed beams over long distances. Tesla’s disclosures in this memorandum would not enable the construction of workable combinations of generator and tube of limited power, though the general elements of such a combination are succinctly described.
(*Most of us are already aware of the work at CERN and have some idea about how they are using this technology and that it is in fact possible to exert energy of this magnitude in such a way. But it is not at all how Tesla envisioned his ideas to be used for protection and the promotion of peace. When a small power-hungry group of individuals control that information, then it is likely to be used in harmful, rather than the intended helpful ways. We can turn the tide by educating ourselves and advancing our knowledge base.
“An accelerator propels charged particles, such as protons or electrons, at high speeds, close to the speed of light. They are then smashed either onto a target or against other particles circulating in the opposite direction. By studying these collisions, physicists are able to probe the world of the infinitely small.”
Exhibit G: A circular by Carol Bird, dated September 10, 1938 entitled “Tremendous New Power Soon to be Unleashed”. This describes, in popular style some biographical information concerning Nikola Tesla and some ideas on the transmission of power on which he is stated to be working. It appears the method of transmission is by the mechanical resonance method outlined in Exhibit F, above.
Exhibit H: This exhibit consists of a series of letters to representatives of the British government. These letters offer to the British government, for a fee, the disclosure of the means for accelerating to high energy minute particles. Such beams would constitute a death-ray capable of the protection of Great Britain from air attack.
The method proposed is essentially that described in Exhibit F above. Following the initial letter dated August 26, the subsequent letters attempt to clear up the “misunderstandings” of the British representative and to expedite their acceptance of the Tesla proposal. The British reply dated January 7 is a polite expression of disinterest in the proposal.
“Today the most civilized countries of the world spend a maximum of their income on war and a minimum on education. The twenty-first century will reverse this order. It will be more glorious to fight against ignorance than to die on the field of battle. The discovery of a new scientific truth will be more important than the squabbles of diplomats. Even the newspapers of our own day are beginning to treat scientific discoveries and the creation of fresh philosophical concepts as news. The newspapers of the twenty-first century will give a mere 'stick' in the back pages to accounts of crime or political controversies, but will headline on the front pages the proclamation of a new scientific hypothesis.
Progress along such lines will be impossible while nations persist in the savage practice of killing each other off. I inherited from my father, an erudite man who labored hard for peace, an ineradicable hatred of war.” ― Nikola Tesla
Exhibit I: An undated memorandum written after Tesla’s 79th birthday describing several discoveries which he believed he had made. The first related to a dynamic theory of gravity which is described as not yet completed. The second stated as a physical truth, the belief that “there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment”. This second statement which is discussed at length in this and other writings of Tesla indicate his disbelief in the existence of atomic or nuclear energy.
Nikola Tesla Told Walter Russell “Bury Your Findings Until Humanity is Ready”
“At age 50, the year 1921 would be a milestone for Walter Russell: he commenced his self-study of the sciences and was the first to coin the phrase ‘Electromagnetic Wave Universe”. In the same year he met with Nikola Tesla, the electrical engineering genius, who famously suggested the world was not ready for Walter.”
(*The digital systems that computers use is actually what "Quantum Science" really's explanations of so-called reality fit well into computer science, virtual realities, and machine mechanics, but not for nature herself. "Quantum Science" accurately explains how programmed virtual realities and digital platforms are mechanised yet most people believe it is a natural science. This has led to so many other misunderstandings. The trendy and popular use of the word "quantum" to explain various healing practices demonstrates how little people really understand it. "Quantum Science" is all about the micro world of bits, pixels, and dots—not how real wave fields work in nature—a quanta is "the smallest discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents". It's amazing how many people have bought into the "Quantum Science" lies and how they erroneously apply it to real space travel and other natural cycles. You can certainly bounce around various virtual realities or artificially generated technocratic worlds using "Quantum Science" but not the Real Cosmos.
In terms of quanta and quantum, both are addressing the domain of the most small. And what this so-called science claims is that the domain of the most small operates differently than the domain of all else. But the truth is within Natural Law - As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without. Natural Laws operate the same in the domain of the most small and most large. The only reason "Quantum Science" is different is because it is NOT a real natural science showing how nature or the cosmos works, it's a man-made system demonstrating how machines operate. Hence, the technology of today being in such destructive opposition to nature. This is one of the reasons that Nikola Tesla and his genius friend, Walter Russell both rightfully opposed "Quantum Science".)
An undated memorandum in Tesla’s handwriting describing “a new process of generating powerful rays or radiations”. The memorandum reviews the work of Lenard and Crookes, described Tesla’s work on the production of high voltages, and finally in the last paragraph gives the description of the invention contained in the memorandum. This description is as follows: “Briefly stated, my new simplified process of generating powerful rays consists in creating through the medium of a high speed jet of suitable fluid a vacuous space around a terminal of a circuit and supplying the same with currents of the required tension and volume”.
(*While I know Tesla is not referring to the incredible invention of The WaterJet, the language he thus used does remind me of it as it is still a very interesting and useful technology to learn about.)
Exhibit K: A letter to prospective licencees on telegeodynamics, states that over half a million dollars was spent on this development with funds contributed by Morgans, Crawford, J.J. Astor and Fish, as well as commercial organizations, and states this to be A NEW ART with which “unbelievable wonders can be achieved”.
Exhibit L: Tesla’s “New System of Fluid Propulsion”. This is an undated memorandum of about 20 type written pages describing a system of fluid propulsion in which the conversion from hydraulic to rotary mechanical power is achieved by passing the fluid between flat circular disks, shaft mounted and enclosed in casing.
This memorandum, written about 1925 describes in general terms a kind of hydraulic turbine which seems practical. There is copious evidence among the other of Tesla’s papers that this idea was generally disclosed to appropriate individuals and that it received favorable comment and possibly some use. Some of these comments are contained on the last page of the exhibit.
(*The Nazi’s used a version of this technology in their development of the Hannebu Flying Saucer. You can learn more about this in the article Vertical Travel, Time, and the Marvels of Mercury":
“The Thule Triebwerk (the name of the craft, aka Haunebu) had an electro-magnetic-gravitic engine whose heart was a spinning tank of heated mercury and three parallel discs, rotating in opposite directions. Being a conductor, the mercury was made to interact with an electric field in such a way that it behaved like a superconductor and was able to isolate the immediate environment from local gravity effects.”)
“We've got gravity licked but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.”
― Werner Von Braun
Exhibit M: THE POWER OF THE FUTURE a memorandum apparently written by Tesla and probably in response to a request from some popular group for an opinion as to the source of future power. This memorandum includes the gradual evolution of power sources. It discusses in some detail the possibility of atomic power and it states as his opinion that atomic energy is not feasible. The discussion of atomic energy is apparently confused to some extent with planetary energy…
(*Or maybe it was John Trump who was confused because Tesla is correct in the sense that there is no reasonable, safe, and effective means of producing atomic energy. The monster nuclear reactors we have set up today are far from being safe, practical, and efficient though they are touted as such. They are in fact the opposite. Man has forced explosive energy out of matter in a very violent and unnatural way. Because feasible is defined as “possible to do easily or conveniently”, I absolutely agree with Tesla that nuclear energy production is not feasible.
While it has been forcibly done by forcibly splitting atoms apart after ripping literally tons of huge sections from the earth’s crust out in order to harvest enough uranium or plutonium to compress at ridiculously high heats - is an arduous, dangerous, destructive, and highly inefficient process that is completely unbeknownst to most. The production of nuclear energy is a serious transgression that we will have to leave in the past if we want advance forward.)
Exhibit M continued: The article further discusses the subjects of wind, tide, lighting, and water power as a source of commercial energy. The last sentence of the memorandum states: “With my wireless system, it is practical to transmit electrical energy at a distance at a distance of twelve thousand miles with a loss not exceeding five percent. I can conceive of no advances that would be more desirable at this time and more beneficial for the further progress of mankind.” This memorandum constitutes an interesting general discussion on of the various sources of power. It is qualitatively for the most part except probably in that portion which deals with atomic power. (*Truly, it’s Trump that is confused here, not Tesla.)
TESLA ON SOLAR POWER: “The sun’s rays falling upon the earth’s surface represent a quantity of energy so enormous that but a small part of it could meet all our demands… The energy of light rays, constituting about 10% of the total radiation, might be captured by a cold and highly efficient process in photo-electric cells which may become, on this account, of practical importance in the future.”
— Nikola Telsa, “Our Future Motive Power” —Everyday Science and Mechanics, December 1931
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME) ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119 ( Volume I, Issue I, 2015 419 on Tesla’s Solar Cell:
Advantage and Disadvantage of Photo Galvanic Cell: Photo galvanic cell can be used in isolated and remote areas and hills and forests. The maintenance cost is low and this is noise and pollution free and lifetime is long. But its capital cost is higher and storage of solar energy is not possible. It only produces DC Voltage. Solar energy is not available at night and rainy weather times.
Tesla’s Solar Cell: Tesla’s Solar cell is different than photo galvanic cell but acting on same photoelectric effect but one difference is conventional solar panel consisting of a substrate coated with crystalline or amorphous silicon. It makes the panel expensive. See Figure (2 )below:
Figure (2): Tesla’s Solar Panel
Stick one of these antenna-like panels up in the air, the higher the better, and wire it one side of a capacitor, the other going to a good earth ground. Now the energy from the sun is charging the capacitor and converts the obtained DC source by using the rectifier. This panel is not requires silicon or other expensive photoconductive materials. This type of Tesla’s Solar panel requires two insulated metal panel and one high voltage storage capacitor and rectifier or inverter. This type of panel harvesting energy from sun and other sources of radiation. Tesla believed that the device is working in night because of cosmic rays and neutrinos. Tesla also refers to the ground as a vast reservoir of negative energy. Tesla’s intent was to capture the energy trapped between earth and its upper atmosphere and to transform it into an electrical current. Tesla pictured the sun as the immense ball of electricity, positively charged. The earth, in other hand, is charged with negative electricity. The positive particles are stopped at the ionosphere and between it and the negative charge in the ground, a distance 60 miles. The gases of atmosphere are act as an insulator between these two opposite charges. So our earth is acting like capacitor. The region between the ground and edge of space contain great amount of energy.
An article by N. Tesla in the Electric World, March 5, 1904 pages 429-431. A general somewhat biographical article on Tesla’s early work with some speculation on the possibility of long distance transmission of large amounts of energy.
An article by N. Tesla in Telegraph and Telephone Age, October 16, 1927 pages 457-460. An article which traces the early work on the production and transmission of electromagnetic radiations, describes Tesla’s efforts to increase the amount of power which can be transmitted without wires and concludes with the proposed “World Systems” for wireless transmission of both power and communications. No workable disclosure of a means for accomplishing this is included, and such generalities as to suggest the approach which Tesla had in mind do not seem capable of accomplishing the desired result. (*Here again, we can clearly see that Tesla knew much more and than Trump. His level of knowledge was far beyond that of Trump’s causing Trump to simply discount what he did not understand.)
Exhibit P: “Interview with Nikola Tesla” by Alden P. Armagnac for Popular Science Monthly, May 24, 1928. An 11 page memorandum written in popular conversational style describing an interview with Dr. Tesla and reporting his present work. This report includes statements on a new airplane, on rocket ships, on wireless transmission of power, on a world system plan for transmission of speech and television, on impracticality of harnessing atomic energy, on radio activity, and on the acceleration of charged particles, such as cathode rays by high voltages (*See Walter Russell’s chart below to understand what cathode rays really are.)
Exhibit Q: An agreement dated April 20, 1935, between Nikola Tesla and the Amtorg Trading Corporation in which Tesla agreed to supply plans, specifications, and complete information on a method and apparatus for producing high voltages up to fifty million volts, for producing very small particles in a tube open to air, for increasing the charge of the particles to full voltage of the high potential terminal and for projecting the particles to distances of one hundred miles or more. The maximum speed of the particles was specified at not less than 350 miles per second. The receipt of $25,000 fee for the disclosures was acknowledged in this agreement, which was signed by Nikola Tesla and A. Bartanian of the Amtorg Trading Corporation. The method referred to in this agreement is apparently that described in Exhibit F, above. It is probable that Exhibit D, above, is an effort by Tesla, to clear up the question raised by Soviet engineers after the subject disclosure had been made. There is no evidence that the inventions and information referred to in this agreement are others of those described in a number of Tesla’s papers and published articles. It is therefor expected and it is substantiated by Exhibit D, that the disclosure subsequently proved unworkable.” *Source:
Conclusion: Where is the info now and is DJT aware of it?
It’s important to note that what you just read above is a document that has been “sanitized” and likely does not include the most essential information as you can read for yourself in the below letter. Nonetheless, quite a bit of additional information can be discerned from Trump’s analysis so it is still a valuable contribution:

While I really do not have any concrete evidence that John Trump’s nephew, Donald, has the Tesla papers, I believe that in the very least, he is aware of the contents and implications they bring:
“We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.”
— President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Speech
The information in the Tesla papers, as is the case with many brilliant research projects and inventions, was purposely kept from the public and hoarded by a select few, only to be released to various contractors who agreed to work for the agenda of this select few. It is fair to say that the real Tesla ideas have been used in other sectors of industry that contract with shady government agencies, as well as under the “recently created” Space Force.
However, Elon Musk’s company, does not appear to be one of them - in terms of the tech they disclose to the public anyways. This company should be more accurately named AntiTesla since it’s technology is actually in direct opposition to the real Tesla technology with their numerous failed rocket launches and toxic, dangerous, inefficient electric vehicles, among other things, such as the horrid and cruel animal experiments they participate in.
An article on The American Prospect website chronicles Musk’s many failures with (Anti)Tesla:
“The last few months have been some of the most challenging in Tesla’s history. The launch of its first new car in years, the Cybertruck, has been plagued with problems. In the first quarter of this year, Tesla sales slumped by more than 20 percent, despite major price cuts. Unsold Teslas are reportedly piling up in storage lots across the country…”
Nonetheless, it’s always important to remember that people learn, grow, and change from their mistakes so to hold someone perpetually to their past errs is detrimental to all involved. It’s better to try to understand them and put ourselves in their shoes. Compassion, empathy, and sympathy are powerful forces that be of tremendous help to anyone struggling to change themselves for the better.
In addition, most people judging others harshly do not know what they have been through and why it is they are making the choices they are. This is one of the reasons why the mentors at the unique boarding school I attended for highschool often encouraged us to share our life story with one another. We would be given as much time as we needed to share all of the life experiences, struggles, and joys from the time we could remember. This greatly increased understanding as well as compassion, empathy, and sympathy—and Nikola Tesla had an abundance of all of these positive qualities.
At heart, he was a peacemaker, who sought to harm none but rather to extol the virtues of Ahimsa, the path of the least harm. We can all be inspired to grow, change, and learn more through his compassionate example. The more knowledge we gain, the more we can align with the Divine Plan and serve our fellow man and all of nature as Tesla did:
Thank you and May Peace Be With You…