Is the Simulation Theory True & What's Really Behind it's Rising Popularity ?
The Simulation Theory, a theory that claims creation is a computer simulation, was first spawned decades ago & is now fully embraced by many. But is it true & what is the purpose?
DEFINING sim·u·la·tion
imitation of a situation or process.
"simulation of blood flowing through arteries and veins"
the action of pretending; deception.
"clever simulation that's good enough to trick you"
the production of a computer model of something, especially for the purpose of study. "the method was tested by computer simulation"
Origins of the Simulation Theory
A few years after the release of the first Matrix Movie, Nick Boström, a philosopher at the University of Oxford in Sweden, released a paper titled Are You Living in a Simulation? The paper was well written and made several interesting points that appear to have some sort of mathematical foundation. However, when examined closely, what Bostrum purports about reality is really only mere conjecture based on false assumptions that greatly misinterpret the nature of life and evolution. For example, according to an article by BIG THINK:
“The problematic part of Boström’s argument is that he assumes it is possible to reproduce all our observations using not the natural laws that physicists have confirmed to extremely high precision, but using a different, underlying algorithm, which the programmer is running. I don’t think that’s what Boström meant to do, but it’s what he did. He implicitly claimed that it’s easy to reproduce the foundations of physics with something else.
But nobody presently knows how to reproduce General Relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics from a computer algorithm running on some sort of machine. You can approximate the laws that we know with a computer simulation – we do this all the time – but if that was how nature actually worked, we could see the difference. Indeed, physicists have looked for signs that natural laws really proceed step by step, like in a computer code, but their search has come up empty-handed.”
~ BIG THINK, Why the Simulation Hypothesis is Psuedoscience
Yet Boström’s paper did bring this theory, popularized already by the Matrix Movie, onto a whole new level of professional discussion. Real scholars were now involved; giving the subject a sense of legitimacy for many. Since then, this theory has been spreading like a mental cancer and infecting some truly brilliant minds.
In April of 2021, a Scientific American article emphatically claimed that they had Confirmed! We are Living in a Simulation. And while the article does examine the topic from a scientific perspective, it does not ask the right questions that would yield the right answers. How could it when the science of today is so incomplete and still advancing toward full understanding itself? For example, one of the main pieces of "evidence" they claim that proves this theory to be true is a very erred presumption regarding the speed of light:
“We can see now that the speed of light meets all the criteria of a hardware artifact identified in our observation of our own computer builds. It remains the same irrespective of observer (simulated) speed, it is observed as a maximum limit, it is unexplainable by the physics of the universe, and it is absolute. The speed of light is a hardware artifact showing we live in a simulated universe…”
We can see from the above quote, that the writers have fully embraced the current scientific paradigm of physics and the speed of light. So instead of asking IF science today is even correct, they assume it is and base their entire theory on half-baked scientific assessments. When the premise of an argument is based on a false paradigm, then the conclusions will be very incomplete as well.
One thing that is correct about this argument is that light is indeed projected, but not necessarily simulated (imitated). It then manifests into all the forms that we call creation. But this light is not from any computer or digital programming. It comes from God, and God is Pure Love which is infinitely more powerful and intelligent than even the most advanced computers. The light of God is beyond the spectrum of the light humans see with their physical eyes and can not be re-created by any machine. God has the original blueprints and does not need to imitate anything. It can, however, be falsely mimicked hence the degradation of real science through quantum “science” and quantum computing; which only serve to remove people even more from nature. In addition, too many people mistake the disconnected virtual reality worlds that these systems create as simulations of creation. Call them simply what they are; fake virtual realities that attempt to copy some of the lowest aspects of our world.
Thankfully, there are geniuses and spiritual masters that know better and continue to work to help us expand our current understanding of light and how it actually operates, which is much different than the current dogma of mainstream science:
Our very name for God's Creation is NATURE, for that is what Nature is. I shall define Nature for you in simple words. Nature is an electric wave thought image of God's nature, electrically projected from His formless and unconditioned ONE LIGHT into countless many forms of conditioned light which we call matter.
~ Dr. Walter Russell
“In the wave lies the secret of creation.”
~ Dr. Walter Russell
One must be self-realized to a certain degree in order to comprehend these Truths. One thing that helps immensely is to consult with a fully God-realized Spiritual Master, like Paramahansa Yogananda who pretty much says the same things as Walter Russell, but simply uses different language. Sometimes pride and ego prevent people from looking to others for help but if you think about it like anything else, it really is something positive and beneficial. Say you are interested in learning how to speak Japanese. Would the most expedient way to learn it be to simply think about it within the current confines of one’s own mind, or would it be better to find someone who has mastered the language to help you? The answer should be obvious. Here’s what Yogananda has to say about the true nature of Creation:
"The whole universe is made of Spirit. A star, a stone, a tree, and a man are equally composed of the Sole Substance, God. To bring into being a diversified creation, the Lord has to bestow on everything the appearance of individuality.
Through the power of maya, cosmic illusion, the Creator has caused the manifestations of matter to appear so distinct and specific that to the human mind they seem unrelated in any way to spirit.
God has been banished from your consciousness by ignorance. That is why you think you are circumscribed by a little mortal body; that is why you cannot behold the universe as it really is, ablaze with the life and joy of Spirit.
When our consciousness is limited to the physical body, our reason and senses give only a partial, incomplete view of reality — of the Truth about man and nature. To perceive fully, we have to awaken the higher instruments of knowledge that lie dormant within."
“As you progress closer to God, He reveals more and more wonders of creation. Even in the dead and ugly-looking stalks of a wheat field after harvest you will see life. It played it’s part there, and to the ordinary eye it is gone; but with the Divine eye, you will see, even in the outer desolation, the beautiful colors of dancing electrons and protons.
Behind every material object is an astral blueprint of colored light. In the astral world, everything is motion, everything is living; there is nothing called “dead”. Even in the physical world, death is not cessation of life, only a change into a different form. Life is still throbbing in the “lifeless” object. In the bones of dead animals, I have beheld rich colors and vibrating light.
You see only gross material products coming from God’s hidden factory behind creation; but if you went into the factory itself, you would behold in what marvelous manner everything in this world has been brought into manifestation.
The factory behind creation is beyond imagination; the whole universe is a single thought in the mind of God! So simple, yet the galaxies are guided by mathematics inconceivable by man. Everything runs in perfect order. What tremendous intelligence is manifested in creation! The infinite is working in everything. All the different eddies of motion called life are controlled by that Cosmic Intelligence.”
~ Man’s Eternal Quest
Rising Support for the Simulation Theory in Alternative Media
But don’t just take my word for it; those genuinely interested in Truth can and should take the time to research this on deeper levels both internally and externally on their own as well - and especially before writing a book or sharing it online where it has the potential to influence large groups of people. But it's challenging for people to find clarity in today's world, where technology has advanced more quickly than the consciousness of the masses. And now many believe that everything is technological; including creation itself.
This is a very clever way to manipulate many into mental patterns that initiate cause and effect situations into motion that serve to disconnect them from nature and God, without those effected even being aware of what is happening. This makes it far easier to force people into a dystopian transhumanist future. The master manipulators behind this all understand human psychology and physiology better than most people. They know that our thoughts manifest in our bodies and lives, and can either be imprisoning or liberating. The more they can lead people down the road of imprisoning thought patterns and habits, the better chance they have of taking over.
Many in the alternative media have been rightly speaking out against the transhumanist agenda, but what's so strange is that these same people are now promoting numerous articles and videos all claiming the Simulation Theory to be true, as if it is some sort of new revelation that they have finally proved. A search for Simulation Theory on YouTube brings the following results up and shows how popular this subject has become. And they have big names like Elon Musk and Neil DeGrasse Tyson to back up their supposed “evidence”:
Is the Simulation Theory Part of the Transhumanist Agenda?
The thing is, that once someone puts information on a certain subject out to the public, it often becomes a part of how they identify themselves and their worth. This causes their ego (and sometimes pocketbook as well) to be overly invested in the information, making it very difficult for them to see opposing points. And while people are certainly free to post and share whatever information they like, it would be wise for them to consider where it is really leading; both personally and societally. But if one has become disconnected from God and nature, and more connected to technology, then their ability to intuit these Truths becomes very limited.
This has resulted in many now seeing this world as a digital computer simulation based on zeros and ones which was unheard of before the internet. Who and what do you think will benefit from this? These are important questions to ask. One thing leads to another and often incrementally. There are dark forces operating behind these cleverly promoted narratives and these forces do not have good intentions for humanity.
Fortunately, there are some exceptional individuals who—due to their own self work and discipline, are able to see beyond these mental veils and they too are speaking out about it. Gigi Young, who was previously a fashion model, is one of them. After a profound meditation, she shifted gears away from modelling and started exploring the deep cosmic dynamics of the soul, celestial spirit guides, and the multi-dimensionality of the mind:
“There is a modern ideology to make creation and the spiritual planes function in a cold machine like manner. This is the movement that wants to call the Cosmos a simulation that operates like a computer. This hyper-material mindset is causing us to perceive the Cosmos in a materialistic way. And it’s actually our perception that is doing this. So it’s incorrect to call it a simulation and describe it that way. It’s like calling you a robot. Are you a robot? Or are you a living being. You are a living being.
We can only observe what is and our best way to do that is to tap into and connect with the mystery teachings of the last several thousand years that have already existed. It literally comes from a luciferic impulse to deny tradition, to fear tradition. And to want to create something new as if your discovering it for the first time. And there can be a selfishness in that as well because then ‘I discovered it’. We can’t just abandon all of the classical knowledge because the temptation is too great to just create a system that is only in the image of our fallen aspect.
The reason people think that way is because we see spiritual energy from our own mindset. We see it as we are. If we were to really see it, we would actually see creation as living beings. But because we are not yet ourselves and completely spiritually awakened; our being isn’t fully awake and aware - were not seeing the beings behind everything, we’re just seeing fragments, and then we’re trying to create a Cosmology based on these fragments…”
~ Gigi Young, Are We In A Simulation
In other words…As Within So Without. As Above So Below.
And in a recent interview on, the lovely and highly intelligent Laura Aboli, a pro-humanity champion with a beautiful heart and powerful message, speaks to this issue as well. She has connected the dots directly between Boström’s Simulation Theory and transhumanism:
“This whole psychological brainwashing, this programming of the fact that we are how transhumanists have referred to us - it was a horrific article that I read two years ago as ‘ape-brained meat-sacks’. This was an article in The Telegraph I believe, and this woman who is a member of The Future For Humanities Institute which was founded by Nick Boström who was the guy who wrote the Theory of Simulation, this woman was talking about transhumanism because she obviously believes it’s the best thing we can do and the only way we can survive is by merging with technology…
This conditioning of making us think that we are so much less than we are so there’s no soul, there’s no emotion, there’s no creation, there’s no divinity, there is nothing. We’re just this materialistic lump of flesh. How horrific is that? This is the concept in which we have been indoctrinated…”
You can watch the full interview here:
Parker Settecase from The Think Institute also sheds some light on this subject that many supporters of it may not have considered:
“How do we know we’re not in a simulation like the Matrix? After all, if we were, it would look entirely real to us! The first thing to observe is that the question locates the burden of proof in the wrong place.
The question should be: What positive reasons are there to think that we are in a simulation like the Matrix? Short answer: none… What’s more, even if we were living in a Matrix-like simulation, we would still exist independently of that simulation, and we would need some cogent explanation for (1) our independent existence, (2) our consciousness, (3) our capacity for reason and coherent experiences, and (4) the existence of the simulation (and whatever apparatus implements it). All of these ultimately presuppose the existence of God.
In other words, there are theistic arguments — especially the transcendental argument — that aren’t the least bit undermined by a Matrix-simulation hypothesis. And if God exists, that provides us with good reason to reject such a hypothesis.”
Gosh, one must wonder what nefarious agendas and demonically possessed beings may benefit from all the people who don’t reject this theory and truly believe they are living in some sort of artificial matrix simulation controlled not by God, but by these negative forces themselves…
"Executives try to skate by the human toll by saying that the machine takeover is a natural process, the inevitable march of technological progress. Hogwash! The AI agenda is not coming from the gods, nature or machines. It's a choice being made by an elite group of corporate and political powers trying to impose their selfish interests on everyone else."
Patrick Wood also wrote a very interesting book called Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation:
“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.”
― Patrick M Wood, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation
Here’s a brief summary of the book which you can read for free on kindle:
“With meticulous detail and an abundance of original research, Patrick M. Wood uses Technocracy Rising to connect the dots of modern globalization in a way that has never been seen before so that the reader can clearly understand the globalization plan, its perpetrators and its intended endgame.
In the heat of the Great Depression during the 1930s, prominent scientists and engineers proposed a utopian energy-based economic system called Technocracy that would be run by those same scientists and engineers instead of elected politicians. Although this radical movement lost momentum by 1940, it regained status when it was conceptually adopted by the elitist Trilateral Commission (co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller) in 1973 to be become its so-called "New International Economic Order."
In the ensuing 41 years, the modern expression of Technocracy and the New International Economic Order is clearly seen in global programs such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Councils of Governments, Smart Growth, Smart Grid, Total Awareness surveillance initiatives and more.
Wood contends that the only logical outcome of Technocracy is Scientific Dictatorship, as already seen in dystopian literature such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932) and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1948), both of whom looked straight into the face of Technocracy when it was still in its infancy.”
Consider Your Karma: Cause & Effect
“Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
Another cause for this increasing confusion in many is that the karma we’ve accrued over lifetimes effects our perception and can cause us to see things from increasingly limited perspectives. This creates veils of darkness within us that only allow a constricted amount of information into our consciousness, which results in some individuals narrowing creation down to their very small view. Hence, the Simulation Theory finds it’s place in those whose karma has given them this particular perception of reality. In other words, it is a false egoic graft over one’s souls that can be removed through the omniscient process of deep scientific meditation on God and communion with Nature. This will, over time - and the amount of time depends on one’s will and devotion - naturally result in clearer understandings of life and all that is.
And connecting with nature does not require a trip to the country or some remote seaside. You can commune with nature in the middle of a busy city if you are tuned in. The other day I was driving through some pretty heavy traffic when all of the sudden I noticed a large raven circling above the intersection I was approaching. Immediately, I felt a deep sense of kin; a oneness with this magnificent and graceful feathered friend felt in the heart that no computer could possibly simulate. Perhaps you have had some similar experiences. Remember those, they are moments that can lead to further growth and inspiration. One of my best bird watching experiences was the joy of watching a raven mother feed her young:
The problem for many is that once someone puts this information out, all those impacted by it also cause more karma to accrue for the individual putting it out, and not the good kind.
“The decisions you make today matter. Every decision points your life in the direction you are about to travel. No decision is an isolated choice. It’s a chain of events. If you choose wisely, your future will reflect that. But if you don’t choose wisely, the decisions you make now will take you to places you don’t want to be later.
~ Lysa TerKeurst
Our thoughts and words have real creative power that go out and effect others, and then return to ourselves. How do we know which are helpful and which are not? The battle is won through our abilities of self control - we must know what it takes for King Soul to win the battle with King Ego which is what the Bhagavad Gita is all about. This of course was much easier in the days before the internet, when people were more connected to themselves, and not yet connected to multiple social media platforms that constantly reward egoic actions. Now the pressure of many online “influencers” to put out “new” information, and share whatever comes to their minds with large audiences is so great that many are only further binding themselves as the following Cause-Effect quote speaks to. This article is not about judging these people, but to help them move forward positively in their lives:
“The universal law of karma is that of action and reaction, cause and effect, sowing and reaping. In the course of natural righteousness, man, by his thoughts and actions, becomes the arbiter of his destiny.
Destroy bad karma with right action. Why be forced to change by repeated deaths and rebirth? Why not change now? If you recognize a mistake and resolutely determine not to make it again, then even if you fall, that fall will be very much less than if you had never tried.
Don’t allow yourself to think you are forever bound by karma. Whether your karma is good or bad, don’t accept any karmic limitation. You have to have good karma to destroy bad karma. Then rise above them both. Give your karma to God. ”
~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Nonetheless, we all have our own paths and ways of learning and sometimes it takes making multiple mistakes to really wake up. And this is okay because it’s not about forcing different understandings on anyone; this article is truly meant to help those willing to listen. So if you want to continue to believe in and promote the Simulation Theory, you of course are welcome to do that. Keep in mind, you will also reap the results of those choices, and it may not happen until some lifetime in the future. This is the reason why people who appear so good and virtuous in this life, may experience horrible and violent situations. The time has come for them to deal with the effect of a cause they set into motion lifetimes ago. On the other hand, it can also spring back on you right away. When this happens to people who are unaware of these karmic principles, they often resort to playing the victim role and blaming externalities for whatever challenges they face.
So it’s important to take the time to consider where one’s beliefs may be directing them to as well as how those beliefs came into being. For we are at a pivotal crossroads where our decisions, actions, and habits of thinking will lead us either in one direction or another. Are there certain groups that benefit from so many buying into this dark and disconnected theory? And what may be the end goal of these nefarious actors? You are free to choose what you believe and share with others, but you are not free from the consequence of your choice. And if you are interested in a brighter future, you may want to take some time to reflect and research it all on a deeper level. What better way to start the new year!
Happy New Year Everyone!!! One thing that would be great to see in 2024 would be more people moving their jobs back offline and unplugging more in general. Too many people live their lives on the internet and rely on it to support themselves. We now have literally millions of streamers and writers all pretty much repeating one another over and over again and a ridiculous competition for online views and likes. It’s become a closed off echo chamber.
Meanwhile, there is massive destruction happening in the real world where there are a decreasing number of individuals working in important fields like gardening and landscaping, energy and food production, architecture and construction, natural resources and outdoor education, or environmental cleanups and ecological studies.. This is really where we need our bright and capable minds.
So instead of relying on the internet which grows increasingly desolate by the day, get out there in the real world and get productive - start your own organic food production business, or form a community organization focused on bringing in real energy solution to where you live, invent something helpful for others and make sure it gets actually manufactured, become an animal rescuer or sanctuary owner…the possibilities are endless. You will find so much more freedom and joy through these activities than you find staring at a screen all day. Staring at a screen all day could result in you thinking all of creation is just like that screen. And what a waste of your incredible God-given infinite potential that would be! :-)